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Everything posted by Ptolema

  1. So, being Royalty gives you the right to ask people to bow down to you?
  2. You mean Board Game Online, don't you?
  3. Aqua has Eraqus's Keyblade. Lingering Will has Terra's. Xemnas technically could have had Xehanort's, but he chose not to use it. Xion's Keyblade is replicated. She was technically zapping away Roxas's ability to dual wield, but she didn't actually control Wayward Wind or Kingdom Key. It was a real Keyblade, yet it wasn't. It was physical and everything, but it was still a copy.
  4. Thunder on Larxene Me: *headdesk* ...What? Fire on Axel Me: Seriously?! This is getting old. Ice on Vexen Me: WHAT?!?!?! That was the day I realized one does not simply trust those spells...
  5. Happy Birthday, Roxas. And Xion lived less. And Namine lived a little more. Barely a year of life, and such a sad existence. Poor them...
  6. Looks to me like Roxas didn't inherit Sora's luck. O_o
  7. I believe you must be put up to date with the situation, Master Xehanort. Many members of KH13 are... fans of you. And the Great KH13 War between Hedgehogs, Masks, Power Rangers, Foxes, Grey Rebellion, etc. is now challenged by the Keyblade War...
  8. If these are fan made... Dear, KH13 has fans! Woo!
  9. One or two hours on weekdays, lots of hours on weekends....
  10. I take it Kh13 is FORMED of THOSE threads and THOSE fanclubs...
  11. I was stunned for a moment, then happy because I think he'll be a good moderator.
  12. Eight Grade prom was part of my good times.... I'm the one in the middle.
  13. 13 Treasures and its sequels are really good. Though I like the first and second better. It's mostly fantasy and a little mystery. Beautiful Creatures is my current favorite. It's fantasy and romance.
  14. Yeah, but in the book, it's mentioned that her eyes change from green to yellow when her resurrection spell backfires and curses her family.
  15. All the Dark Casters are Norts! Just look at their eyes! And they are from the Darkness! I have evidence!
  16. It was the first KH game I had. I find it good, too.
  17. I suppose we could have all seen this book series somewhere. I saw them once at my school's book fair. And now that I like them, there's not a single library around. But the internet is marvelous! So I've gotten to learn the story online, and now I love it. Then there's the upcoming movie... See how awesome these books look. And I find all the characters intriguing... I find the entire series awesome, really. That line fits how boys can't stop looking at Ridley. Never mess with the uncle. The whole 'Darkness and Light' reminds me of Kingdom Hearts, really. Especially when John Breed says that 'there's Darkness in the Light and Light in the Darkness'. Woo! Amma! Bad mom. I am stunned by their daughter-mother relations. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SVfKAKxGlkA How could I have possibly forgotten Lena? For some reason, I like this still picture, THE MIGHTY LOLLIPOP!!! Then, the one who started it all. Genevieve!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ She is just extremely awesome. See?! If you want to see the trailers... http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xYTptJesPuU http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=r9rjhB7KWEc So... Do any of you like this series?
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