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Sora Highwind

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About Sora Highwind

  • Birthday 03/06/1997

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  1. Powerful bosses? I beat X in one day. It did have a good storyline but Durge of Cerberus is my favorite
  2. Sora Kairi is the one Square Enix is trying to show, Roxas is Sora Namine is Kairi so if Sora and Kairi are together it makes sense for Roxas and Namine, I saw Aqua more as like a mom to Ven, and I'm Riku Xion all the way.
  3. I want to know what people think Sora, Riku, and Kairi's last names are. I think Sora Highwind (It would be funny if Sora had been right when he called Cid gramps in KH1) Riku Tsevet (he looks like a young Weiss from dierge of Cerbures) Kairi Valintine (Vincent is my faverite ff character)
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