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Everything posted by NintenNessLucas

  2. 1.Tales of Destiny Remake DC(PS2) 2.Tales of Vesperia PS3/ Tales of Xillia 2(Ps3)
  3. 1.FFIX 2.FFVI 3.FFV 4.FFX 5.FFVIII EDIT: I've taken a FFVII, i've oficially comited suicide.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5Y5Ywg20RA
  5. Recently, I've had a friend that went to Japan and he bought a Japanese PS2 for the both us, and a few japan only games. Between those games(I think they were six total), there were three of them of which caught my attention: -Tales of Destiny: Director's cut -Tales of Destiny II -Tales of Rebirth And I must say, Dear Namco what are you waiting for? Seriously! Let's start by the first game: -Tales of Destiny has a good story, some of the best characters ever in the series and also probably along with Graces the best battle system in the series(It also uses CC and focuses on aerial combat.) Secondly we get Tales of Destiny II: -This one is the most meh of three yet still a good game, good gameplay (even though non-magic attacks should be powered up, they are near useless), good characters and extremely full of plot holes story. Now, last but not least, Tales of Rebirth: Tales of Rebirth has like the second best battle system in the series, the Force Cube is a brilliant gameplay mechanic, the characters are nice(KURREEA!! anyone?) and a great story. As you might have imagined I believe that namco should re release this games in the Ps3 in some form, especially because I've made some research and all of this Tales games I mentioned above are made by the same team(Team Destiny), which made me think that maybe Namco could earned lots and lots of money by localizing a re release of this games maybe as the Team Destiny HD collection(I know that the games are in 2D but they could make HD sprites like the ones in Disgaea 4 or Disgaea D2)
  6. Besides the fact that I don't understand the battle system in that game,(the little hud in the left side confuses me, it just looks too small to play as KH game.), I really enjoy the rest of it.
  7. While I don't hate the XIII series, i find that any of the XIII series spinoff(type 0 or versus), would be more fit for a main final fantasy games than the mainstream ones.
  8. Tales of the abyss, SMT:SOUL HACKERS or SMT:Devil Survivor overclocked
  9. http://gbatemp.net/threads/final-fantasy-type-0-romhacking.340183/page-54 Progress update
  10. when it comes out, if I like XIII or XIII-2
  11. Thanks for the suggestions, people. I've decided to buy: Tales of Xillia Ni No Kuni KH1.5 FFXIII FFXIII-2 FFXHD Eternal Sonata Disgaea 3(just read Mao's motivation, I MUST GET THIS GAME.)
  12. I've recently got a PS3 and I'm a JRPG fan Can somebody tell me some cool JRPGs to buy for the system. Currently I only own Tales of Graces F(It's awesome)
  13. That+Tales of the Abyss and maybe the ps3 version of tales of vesperia and I would buy it.
  14. Am I the only that would love to have a Shin Megami Tensei Greatest Hits HD collection, including: Main Games: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne( HD Remaster) Persona 3 FES( HD Remaster + Select party's action addition) Persona 4 Golden( HD Remaster) +(If Possible) Both Digital Devil Saga Games( HD Remaster) Both Devil Summoner (HD remaster) SMT I,II and If... Ps1 version included.
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