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Velvet Scarlatina

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Everything posted by Velvet Scarlatina

  1. Yeah, kid's shouldn't really be exposed to same-sex marriage or stuff like that until they can fully understand the concept. I mean, I sure don't want my future kids to come up to me and ask, "Why are those two boys kissing?" Not because I think it would scar them or anything. They're just kids, who're still learning about the world. Throwing in something that might confuse them wouldn't be a good thing. There's also the problem with religion as well. I'm not slamming on anyone in any way, but there will most likely be religious parents becoming outrages about homosexuality being exposed to their children. Gotta respect those folks too. Now, if it's a game that's rated T for Teens, and THEN the parents let their six year old kid play it, and that game has gay couples in it, then that's totally on them for not checking the back of the box.
  2. It's close, but I think your voice is a bit TOO deep.
  3. If he keeps making awesome games and stories, he can make as many Metal Gears as he wants.
  4. I recently became interested in it, but I don't want to spend money on the HD collection until I know that they are fun, or at least decent. While waiting for other games to release this year, I'm trying to find some other games to hold me over. I figured an HD collection would be a good place to start, should this actually be good.
  5. Last year, it would be only eleven days...
  6. Yeah, we better start predicting FFXV's release instead, because without that out first, no KH3, unless we're REALLY lucky.
  7. That game isn't that scary compared to other games, and movies for that matter. =P
  8. You haven't seen enough horror games or read enough creepypastas if you think those are scary.
  9. Scary? Those drawings are really awesome more than anything.
  10. Oh, the anime stereotype "daughter-looks-just-like-her-mother" and "son-looks-just-like-father".
  11. I know this isn't really the main place to talk about RWBY, but NO ONE here has commented about that clip yet!?
  12. It's more like a massive coincidence, but you may call my a wizard if you please. =P
  13. If they were sideways, then that would be the natural way our butts would be, and perhaps you would be making a thread about what it would be like to have butts up and down.
  14. Unless the graphics looks a lot prettier, or if it ran at 60 fps on the PS4 or something, I'm just gonna stick with the PS3 versions.
  15. The first thing I had seen of Kingdom Hearts was on a DVD of that old Spider-Man cartoon that was really bad.
  16. But...can you take it wherever you want?
  17. I remember those comics. They are all awesome. ^_^
  18. Too bad I already spoiled the story for myself thinking I'd never play this...
  19. The only way for the X-Blade to be forged for Xehanort is for there to be exactly thirteen darknesses and seven lights to fight one another. Any more or less, and it won't work.
  20. So, does anyone know where to watch the live streams for these? I couldn't find the Microsoft one (but by the sounds of it, it's a good thing I did).
  21. I'm VERY tempted to buy that right now. I don't really have spending money right now, though, at least not money to be throwing away like that.
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