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Velvet Scarlatina

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Everything posted by Velvet Scarlatina

  1. ...Only that Monty has outright said that it is an anime.
  2. Fanservice is getting out of hand. I can't watch any anime nowadays without seeing big tits bpuncing at the screen at least once in any of the episodes. If I wanna see bouncing boobs, I'll go watch some hentai, not in a story I'm trying to take seriously.

    1. Dracozombie


      Don't forget the tasteless fanservice in male characters. There's a good reason I'm not touching Free! with a ten-foot ski pole.

    2. Velvet Scarlatina

      Velvet Scarlatina

      Don't get me started with that. DX

      It's not as abundant as females, but there are definitely times where there is a shirtless guy for there to be a shirtless guy. And yaoi innuendos.

    3. EternalReckoning


      look out for the theme ecchi and avoid it if you dont want to see this, sometimes it leaks into anime awhere the genre isnt present but its rare enough i guess. :)

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  3. I was actually saying I liked Petey Piranha as a character. I've only seen her in Super Mario Sunshine, actually. >_<
  4. Just curious; who here is aware that a Titanic II is currently being built?

    1. EternalReckoning


      they should go for another name, its like calling a raft sink (did this in kh 1 so much xD)

    2. Col.Random


      It might have the technology to avoid Icebergs, but not A-G missiles.

    3. mosokisa


      I agree with Eternal, at least I wouldn't be brave enough to go to ship named Titanic. Of course the name can't make the ship sink but I'm too superstitious to truly believe that.. D:

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  5. Mysterious Figure isn't hard; he's cheap. The hardest I have fought in the whole series (aside from Sephiroth) would be Xaldin.
  6. Just so things don't get too out of hand, I shall ask of one rule for this thread; only one pun per post, and no posting another until someone else has posted after you. I shall begin. Why do moon rocks taste better than Earth rocks? They're meteor.
  7. If Kingdom Hearts 3 is truly going to tie up everything from previous games, then that would most likely include all regrets and problems all of the main characters have. What will be left to dive into in the next saga?
  8. There will always be people who hate what you like, for no reason other than that everyone else likes it. Why?

    1. Ghost


      But they did have special powers...

    2. Col.Random


      No, he meant more like super powers...y'know where everybody's just like "Ermagerd i'm going to yell out them name of some attack and a bunch of flames will come and swallow you whole, but you might defy logic and live through that so i'm just gonna have to do it 20 more times"

    3. Col.Random


      Basically he was disappointed just because they weren't Saiyans or wizards(not saying DBZ is bad, but some shows where the above happens can get sort of childish)

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  9. I haven't. I prefer to understand what I'm reading when playing games.
  10. Well, might as well jump into this as well. Here's what I currently have.
  11. It's not really a spoiler warning when the spoiler is in the title...
  12. Yes. There were still some people who haven't played BBS yet who had avoided spoilers on it, then watched the trailer.
  13. We thought the X on Sora's chest in DDD was just a design at first.
  14. Look at his chest... There is an "X" on it, and who do we know that relates to that? There was an X on Sora's chest as well, and Xehanort used that to track him and eventually turn him into a darkness. Perhaps the same happened with Eraqus. Maybe, at the point where Xehanort "killed" Eraqus, he actually placed one of the pieces of his heart inside of him, like he tried with Sora at the end of DDD, and that light we saw him turn into was actually him going forward in time. We don't know how it looks like when someone does, and most likely Terra really did save a piece of Eraqus just before he disappeared, but Young Xehanort could have been hanging back somewhere, and secretly transported Eraqus to the current present time where DDD takes place to create the illusion of him dying and thus fulling Terra's rage, and made Eraqus one of the thirteen darknesses. If there's any flaws with this, please point them out. This is just a theory, after all.
  15. I'll be mad if it's me, since I already pre-ordered the game with high doubts of me not winning here...
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