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Velvet Scarlatina

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Everything posted by Velvet Scarlatina

  1. Well, the only HD collections I've ever bought were this and the Metal Gear Solid collection, so...it's a hard pick, since I think both series are great.
  2. ...Godd job, One Piece. Good job.

  3. I don't know why I'm getting excited for TGS when I know KH3 won't be there, or if it is it won't be very exciting news...

    1. Cucco


      it has a high chance

    2. PrinceNoctis


      :( I am so disappointed.
    3. AROD666


      :/ im hoping for a 2.5 annoucment
  4. I hated the gummi ship in the first KH, so getting all of the blueprints is a pain for me to bare through.
  5. Yes. She has no darkness. If you are trying to refer to Namine, she was created due to Kairi's heart being inside Sora (who had darkness in his heart, even though it wasn't much), thus creating Namine. It wasn't because of Kairi's heart, though it played a factor on her appearance, but nothing more.
  6. I love this music so much. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7riVArX7gY
  7. Goddamn Captain Hook! D=<

    1. Anonn0000


      I'm having trouble with him too xP

  8. KH:FM really should have had the thing that was in KH2 where it shows you how many teasures you need left in a certain world...
  9. You need darkness in a heart to create a Nobody. The princesses don't have a single drop of darkness, thus no Nobody.
  10. That's neat. Have fun, I suppose.
  11. So...was the "never before seen" drawing in the artbook the Ultima Weapon at the end. If it was, that is pretty underwhelming.

    1. Inducing-Nightmare


      -stalking- It was the sketch of Sora on one of the first few pages, where it just shows from the chest up, holding the keyblade over his back with Nomura's sig at the bottom.

  12. The artbook really isn't that exciting, unless you care about your disc being stored in a fancy case. The majority of the pictures in it we've already seen on the internet back when the game was first released.
  13. I will feel proud when I beat Sephiroth on that mode.
  14. If you sacrifice the shield, you get it at level 8, I believe? Or 9. It's when I got it today picking those two options.
  15. Well...time to wait a few hours during school before I get this. This is gonna be a long day.
  16. "Dark Seeker" sounds cooler, in all honesty. Having the box tell you outright who the bad guy is wouldn't be very good, especially since the name Xehanort isn't even mentioned until Kingdom Hearts 2
  17. Because that name will attract new customers. *sarcasm* Not trying to be a smart ass, but for any newcomers who haven't heard of the series, the name "Xehanort" would sound silly to them.
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