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Velvet Scarlatina

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Everything posted by Velvet Scarlatina

  1. Well, I have to wait until everyone gathers in one place in order to open my presents, but I suppose I'll come back later and list what I got.
  2. You think I'm that strong, even though you have no idea what my weapon or battle outfit is like? =D
  3. Before things get out of hand, I'd just like to point out to people to look at what section this thread is in. Just figured I'd help avoid flame wars. =P
  4. I don't really like threads like this, since all the ones I've seen have always lead to heated arguments, but I suppose it's up to other people to be mature about this so here I go. I believe that when I die, that's it. I'm dead. Nothing will happen after, and I will rot and decay in the ground. I mean, with the hundreds of religions that existed long ago and the ones that exist today, why should only one of them be correct? I mean thousands of years ago, Egyptian gods used to be considered the truth, and you see what happened to them; no one worships them anymore. And just like them, I think Christianity and Scientology and Musliamic religions will eventually die out as well. Not anytime soon, but eventually. We're all just a tiny, insignificant spec in the entire universe. For that reason, you have to live your live to the fullest. That said, while I don't believe in an afterlife or anything spiritual, I do believe that you aren't truly "dead" until you are completely forgotten from history. If you make an impact, then people will want to remember you and keep you alive in their memories. So while our lives are short, it's what we do to them that will make death worth it.
  5. Anyone else thought this was going to be a "I've fallen and I can't get up" joke?
  6. Just spent 65 dollars on RWB merchandise, and I don't regret it one bit.

    1. Emrys


      Cuz its the greatest show in the history of the universe?

    2. Skai


      Ozpin, that's super biased of you. Let me offer an actual answer. xP Maybe it's because you stuck with it since the beginning or close to there and you get actual updates. Also, it's an actual English show with pretty decent English dubbing that has that sort of traditional anime feel at the same time. And it's animation is unique x]

    3. Emrys


      well excuse me for being biased xP

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  7. Wouldn't matter to me. If it'll get more people into the series, then it would be awesome.
  8. So Velvet gets no love? I see how it is...
  9. Dark Souls. Could never get passed the second boss, and the excitement just died down death after death.
  10. Why would KH3 suddenly have lower graphics than already shown?
  11. The faces are fine, yeah, but have you noticed how blocky everyone's fingers are?
  12. Best Christmas "song" ever.

    1. Skai


      Hi Velvet! I like the song, it's epic! x]

  13. Question; if my story just has snow in it, and doesn't relate to Christmas in any other way, does that count?
  14. I thought the pictures were hilarious. Still love Toy Story, at that.
  15. You know you don't have any motivation when you don't even feel like posting a status, such as this one.

    1. Emrys



    2. Velvet Scarlatina

      Velvet Scarlatina

      ......Next talking to you too.

    3. Emrys
  16. That word is my arch enemy. It is the sole thing that keeps me from improving myself. That feeling you get when you want to do something but never have the energy for it, or having the energy for it blazing inside you and not being able to release it, and by the time you finally can the feeling is gone. I have tried countless things in order to cure myself, and while some things have worked, every tip, technique, advice, and everything else has failed for me in one way or another. I just don't understand. I have forced myself to write/draw (the two things I find myself enjoying the most), but it only makes myself more stressed, and as I result my work looks horrid and makes my negative thoughts of my skills only become backed up. I've told my relatives to even lock up any distractions in my room, but that only results in myself sitting at my desk tapping my chin for hours. It's making myself think I'll never improve. I know thinking badly of myself will only make things worse, but I don't know what to do.
  17. So...I don't understand a lick of Japanese, but I really want to try and play it. It seems fun enough. Is it possible for me to enjoy it by simply using trial-and-error when selecting options and whatnot? Is there a story I must understand, or if I need to know what NPCs are saying to know where I need to go Is there any kind of translation guide I could go off of? Anything like that?
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