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Velvet Scarlatina

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Everything posted by Velvet Scarlatina

  1. Most likely by the same person who made this.
  2. I finally got my hands on a PS4 today. The only problem is it arrived two days earlier than the game I ordered, so it's just a shiny decoration until that arrives.

    1. Exiblade7


      How good is the system so far?

    2. Neptune Vasilias

      Neptune Vasilias

      Congrats and don't worry you got the good free games like Warframe and DCUO

    3. Clouded Sun

      Clouded Sun

      Kaiser's right.



  3. I find it amusing how the arguing suddenly stopped after that little lecture post. =P
  4. Well, I think you've convinced me with just this, but I'm kinda curious about your full thoughts if you plan on editing this further (with no spoilers, though).
  5. I have seven games, two of which are RPGs, that I have not beaten...looks like I have quite a lot of gaming to do.

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      I wish you luck

  6. I've heard about how bad this series was, and I've heard about how good this series was. I pretty much know everything that happens in the first FFXIII game, but still want to play it and add it to my library, and I've pretty much spoiled the final bosses for both XIII-2 and LR (although I've only watched the videos of them in Japanese, so I have no clue what was going on).I will admit that I have hated on this series despite not playing them myself (but the linear exploration and gameplay of the first FF XIII still kinda bothers me). The only Final Fantasy games I've played are the PSP version of the first Final Fantasy, FF8, and only half of 10. That said, can anyone here help convince me whether or not to buy/not buy all three (without spoiling anything for me)? I actually want to be convinced to buy the games, so no "It's awesome! Buy them now!". Even if it's just a four-sentence paragraph, try your best to tell me why I should or should not buy the games.
  7. If one of the trophies is to complete all of the Gummi Ship missions 100%, then nope.
  8. I'm kinda in the same boat as you, King Mickey, except slightly different; the first Final Fantasy XIII was just a long hallway with little to no exploration, and the gameplay was awful. All you had to do was occasionally switch between fighting styles with certain enemies, and the game would just play itself. Once you get Lightning's "One Man Army", you can breeze through the game easily with no trouble from then on. No challenge at all, unless you completely had no idea what to do. The story is confusing as hell, too; if you don't get something, then I hope you like reading through random catalogs, cuz the game doesn't explain anything otherwise. You're expected to read all of it, which is poor story-telling if it can't explain itself. I have no idea how much XIII-2 or Lightning Returns improved, so I can't really say if they're good or bad, but I'm kinda skeptical in buying them both.
  9. And just like the last time YouTube changed its layout, people will stop complaining about it eventually.
  10. It's actually Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. =P But yea, I'm excited for it.
  11. Using a loose calculation, all four figures will be around 160 dollars, if shipping is around five, that is. That said, I'm glad I got a job recently.
  12. Just play any of the games at level one on critical mode without Second Chance or Once More. You'll get that "harder than Critical" mode quite easily that way.
  13. The way I see it is if you prefer having digital copies of the games of physical copies of them. I like collecting video games, so I would get the PS4. You can just pop in the disc and presto; no waiting for it to download any data aside from the occasional update. As long as you take care of the disc and not get any scratches on them, they'll last you a long time.
  14. Has anyone heard of Franken FRan? I think it's the best dark comedy has to offer...if you're into that stuff.

  15. I'm tempted to buy this, but since I hated the first game and haven't played the second...I'll just wait until it's, like, twenty dollars five years from now or something.
  16. I did stuff like this when I was a kid, but still...
  17. So...random question. Is your username perhaps a reference the the anime Guilty Crown?

    1. Kirie


      inori means prayer and thuss inori (me) was born

    2. Velvet Scarlatina

      Velvet Scarlatina

      I see. I just finished watching the series today, so your name instantly struck me when I saw it again.

    3. Kirie


      im glad you noticed

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  18. I'd rather not have my eyeballs melt out of their sockets, thank you.
  19. Anyone know of an anime that isn't exactly popular/well-known, but is still really awesome?

    1. Tracy_13


      Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro is a decent psychological comedy, though it's a much better manga. It involves a demon who feeds off mysteries, usually involving homicide, but he has to use another human girl, Yako, to protect his identity.

    2. ReikuSSR


      wow... All those at least have recognition. NEEDLESS, but it is not for everyone, I suggest Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas.

    3. MyDixieRect


      Kino's Journey, Serial Experiments Lain, Baccano (my gawsh this one is amazing).


      Especially Baccano. You cannot go wrong with this hidden masterpiece.

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  20. I think only the Monster Hunter series can be that long and still have it work.
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