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Light's benevolance

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Everything posted by Light's benevolance

  1. Don't we always hope to hear,see and xpect that in the future pokemon then here's some ideas that might change the hole game: 1.Please make pokemon that you speak in the ds speaker and the pokemon might actually dodge (not evry time thought) 2.the pokemon NEEEEEEEEEEDS to bee outside with you like pokemon heartgold and soulsilver,and sometimes they find things that normally you dont find at normal eyesight,like A metal coat , reaper cloth,and sometimes tm's 3.the game has too be thougher in previous games they are sooooo easy for me 4.more cooler like pokemon [please a trashbag for a pokemon ][trubish,no ofense too othrs] 5.Please we need to get more master balls then wat do you guy's think?
  2. ,13 is the bomb I love the summoning ,cuotes,very welldone square enix you deserve a pat on the back [give me versus 13 already or ill make every ff character dance gangnam style
  3. Easter day is coming!!!....next year....LOL
  4. In the next Dissidia i wish that they put more balanced fighters and upgrade the one's that they are already in this game ,for example-don't you hate when you try everything 2 hit your opponent but they just keep dodging,[man i hateeeee that],one of my favorites is shanttoto they could up grade her even more imagine the posibilites that she casting meteor,ultima,blackhole,and other spells that could bee dificult to dodge. For ultimicia fan's well they could upgrade her more,i liked the new spears and all its just that her attacks leave her sooooooo defenseles that not many people in my opinion like ultimicia for that reason.She has great potencial for future games and its a great character,great attitude for [im soo great and im the ultimate fighter,bla bla bla].The only reason i pick her for battles sometimes is that to see her in that bath robe :wub: . And here's the list of characters that I wish that square can put in these a-awsom game: heroes:ff2-Leon,ff3-ingus,ff4-Edge,ff5-Anyone,ff6-Locke,ff7-yuffie,aerith,zack,vincent valentine,red13,barret,ff9-vivi,anyone,ff10-auron,lulu,rikku,paine[has 2 b in this game!!!!],ff11-any one,,ff12-balthier[guns only please],fran,penelo,ashe,larsa,ff13-Hope[has 2 b in the next game],snow,vanille,fang,serah, noel,noctus,and the rest of ff villans: ff2-any henchmen,ff-3,xande[and the rest],ff-4 evrybody,ff5dont know,ff7-genesis,ff8edea,ff9any oneff10seymor,ff11anyoneff12vayne,ff13galenth dyesly And thats about it, give me tips if I miss someone k? http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  5. The only thing im going to say is that Edward is such a crybaby in the story and my personal favorite is Heroes: 1.palomporom 2.Edge Villans: 1Caggnazo 2Barbariccia 3Rubicante
  6. im kiling some body with magic

    1. Kirie
    2. Light's benevolance

      Light's benevolance

      do you want to taste some flare flood or burst


    3. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      None of the above! I am the superior Dissidia player! I shall destroy you with Warrior of Light!!!!!

  7. Have any one wondered why is Cid is in every Final fantasy game? Could he have family in every world or thers an biger cid that pregnet a woman in every world or he just travels
  8. Hi again i thought some things in school about pokemon like this: 1. the battlefield HAS to bee larger 2.pokemon HASto actually move in the battle field 3.wee'l give comands to the pokemon to sometimes dodge [like in the series] 4.the story has 2 hav more emotion like scenes that can make you cry[for real] 5.MORE GRAPHICS[im content in the 3ds] If you hve things to ad then ad them, im not offended for other peoples critics,i find them constructive so i can build up more ideas,sooooo what do you people think?????????
  9. Don't you think that we are all getting at least a little bored about having to constantly battle gym leaders over and over again? Can't Game Freak change the concept of the game a little? Here is a list of the things that they could do for the future Pokemon installments. Pokemon Contests like the ones we see in the TV series. (I know that there already contests, but they should emphasize more on that.) More heart breaking or edge of your seat like moments. (Thieving, death of Pokemon "as in literally death. Never in the series can someone see a Pokemon die.") Fully animated 3D cutscenes with voiceovers. That the Pokemon can actually move. ( Like you see in the TV series.) So what do you guys think? No offense to the haters, but I just want to see something different in Pokemon.
  10. Do anybody know how it feel like watching Gamestop close in your very face,im pissed off bigtime

    1. bandityoshi
    2. Xer


      Just now? Gamestop closed in Portugal for a year.

    3. Light's benevolance

      Light's benevolance

      That is even worse, its just that i was in the mall with my mom and they closed in my face


  11. Have any one noticed that every pokemon game is all the same [can't they change it a bit ,i dont know pokemon contests or somethin]

    1. Shana09


      Not entirely, since the Unova games are much different.

      It's still fun and new each game, even is some of the setup is similar.

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