In the next Dissidia i wish that they put more balanced fighters and upgrade the one's that they are already in this game ,for example-don't you hate when you try everything 2 hit your opponent but they just keep dodging,[man i hateeeee that],one of my favorites is shanttoto they could up grade her even more imagine the posibilites that she casting meteor,ultima,blackhole,and other spells that could bee dificult to dodge.
For ultimicia fan's well they could upgrade her more,i liked the new spears and all its just that her attacks leave her sooooooo defenseles that not many people in my opinion like ultimicia for that reason.She has great potencial for future games and its a great character,great attitude for [im soo great and im the ultimate fighter,bla bla bla].The only reason i pick her for battles sometimes is that to see her in that bath robe :wub: .
And here's the list of characters that I wish that square can put in these a-awsom game:
heroes:ff2-Leon,ff3-ingus,ff4-Edge,ff5-Anyone,ff6-Locke,ff7-yuffie,aerith,zack,vincent valentine,red13,barret,ff9-vivi,anyone,ff10-auron,lulu,rikku,paine[has 2 b in this game!!!!],ff11-any one,,ff12-balthier[guns only please],fran,penelo,ashe,larsa,ff13-Hope[has 2 b in the next game],snow,vanille,fang,serah, noel,noctus,and the rest of ff
ff2-any henchmen,ff-3,xande[and the rest],ff-4 evrybody,ff5dont know,ff7-genesis,ff8edea,ff9any oneff10seymor,ff11anyoneff12vayne,ff13galenth dyesly
And thats about it, give me tips if I miss someone k?