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Light's benevolance

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About Light's benevolance

  • Birthday 05/30/1997

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  • Member Title
    THE wat3r type specialist in POKEMON
  • Gender
  1. In my pinion its great and it justs need cooler cuter and beutiful pokemon and im getting tired of the paper mario graphics at last new graphics has come to us
  2. What does it mean when agirl that you like and she probably knows sees you and suddenly bolts out of the scene does it mean that she is emberresed to see you or that she does not whant something with you? (its for a friend )(yea right)

    1. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer


      She probably shy, and if she's not the she probably wants nothing to do with with you, sorry man.

    2. Destiny_of_a_Key_Bearer


      Get a few more attempts in and if you keep getting the same result then she's not worth it.

  3. I cant wait for the new pokemon game!!!!

    1. Demyx.


      Well you're gonna have to.

    2. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      October 2013 is a llooooonnnggg way. Let's not hope that the world ends again in Feb 31st


  4. POKEMON X AND POKEMON Y IS A AWSOM and the game hasant released yet im soooooo psyched up

    1. SoraBlade


      of course. Can't you see I'm a fire starter? :3

    2. Shana09


      im the fire starter toooooo

  5. Hi people who know me (also who they dont)here's what i think about what they should change: 1.Longer the game please!!! 2.Cooler pokemon (A trashbag for a pokemon!!!??? what is SE thinking!!!!???)(no offense) 3.THE REGION HAS TO BEEEEE BIGERRRRRRR 4.you could treat youre pokemon like outdoorrs whit herbs and stuff 5.The pokemon could be outside again PLEASE!!!!!!!,it could give you stuff that you dont regularly find(like a miniture dowsing machine) 6.The battlefield could be bigerr (not like the empire state bulding but like a decent battlefield like a tennis court or a basketball court 7.MOREEEEEE GRAPPPPHHHHIIIICCCCCSSSS 8.NEWWWWW STYLISH MOVES 9.More gym leaders, these past games are soooooooo easy Hope you like this and give me your best critcs (but not bad ones)kidin
  6. Sorry bro i understand your point of viu,but its just toooo awsom to change my mind no offense k?
  7. Hey guys what are youre favorite movies

    1. King Riku

      King Riku

      The Avengers. Howl's Moving Castle. Star Trek. The list is endless.

    2. dusk


      Howl's Moving Castle, Nightmare on Elmstreet, The Last Samurai, Gundam 00 Awakening of Trailblazer, Casino Royale. The list is endless

    3. I♥KH


      FF Advent Children complete, The Nightmare Before Christmas

  8. Hey guys what are youre favorite movies

  9. im going to the festavil the next week yessss

  10. Hi and welcome to the neightborhood
  11. yesssss its christmas god bless you all and have a great time with friends and family

    1. Zola


      ...I'm moving to wherever you live.

    2. VanitasisKirby


      D'oh, thank you!

      God bless you, and may you have a wonderful Christmas this year! :D

  12. HO HO HO its christmas time YEEEEESSSS

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