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Sakuraba Neku

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Everything posted by Sakuraba Neku

  1. Seeing other charachters in the Unreal Engine 4. I was expecting maybe Riku and Mickey to show up, but the entire main cast?! We're not worthy.
  2. I need that trailer.

  3. I still think Frozen should be announced at E3

    1. XionRoxasSora


      NO!! Frozen is too predictable and overrated.

    2. Sakuraba Neku

      Sakuraba Neku

      Yes its overrated but still better than Tangled though.

      And from gameplay point of view may probably be better too. Kingdom Hearts never had a fully snow world.

      Anyway it will happen sooner or later.


    3. XionRoxasSora


      Actually I enjoyed Tangled much much more than Frozen. Frozen was just way too weird and predictable (i know tangled is too but still).

  4. Time flies and D23Expo Japan is right around the corner. Expectations?! Blows out E3

    1. Exiblade7


      Character model reveal for Riku and Kairi

  5. I hope not. Kingdom Hearts doesn't own anything to him. If any real person should get a cameo in this series, would be Nomura himself as Sora's father.
  6. Its my favourite so far. But it can be just a matter of time, until the KH3 one takes that spot. But so far, KH3D is the only game where Sora and Riku have both great outfits.Im hoping Kh3 changes that. KH1 Sora's outfit is okay at best. Riku's one is awesome. In KH2, Sora is the one that looks beast. While Riku looks bad.
  7. KH3: A new trailer, with Sora kicking ass in Big Hero 6 world. Maybe we finally see Rapunzel or other disney characters (besides Donald/Goofy) and hopefully they will announce a new world. KH 2.8: Anything is fine.
  8. Toy Story would be great. Crossing fingers for that one. As for Jungle Book, I feel like it could be the replacement of Winnie the Pooh for next saga.
  9. Just Watched Big Hero 6. Cool Movie. But Disney Movies need musicals back. I thought Frozen made that obvious with Let It Go.

    1. Hargleblargleboo


      ^Nope. Not even. It was stolen from a part of a video not vine-related whatsoever.

    2. Pokemoncuzzie


      Oh wow, the extent people go to ahah. First time I saw it was some vine thing xD

    3. Show next comments  21 more
  10. Super excited. Im expecting D23 Expo Japan to blow E3 out the water. And it will probably be the last time we see KH3 for a while, since KH 2.9 will take over. I don't expect KH3 at Jump Festa, so Im waiting for something big here.
  11. Since 2002. I will be disappointed if Square doesn't make anything with these two in KH3. I think it was teased long enough. I don't want them to be all cutie to each other and hold their hands all the time. I just want them to have their moment. Take a look at this: Tidus and Yuna had their moment. I don't see why Sora and Kairi can't have a romantic scene like this. Especially when Disney is on board and we all know how most Disney Movies are. Kingdom Hearts 1 ending, shows Kairi in Secret Place watching Sora's drawing, where he gives her a Paopu Fruit. Kingdom Hearts 2 credits, shows Sora In Secret Place watching his drawing, where Kairi now is giving him he Paopu Fruit too. Enough of running away!
  12. Everytime I see a new KH artwork from Nomura, I just think " Greatness! He can't surprise me anymore." and then he always does it again. Beautifu art.
  13. Its already confirmed Sora and Riku will be playable. The chances of being only Sora is out since day one. Kingdom Hearts 2 had 4 playable characters - Roxas - Sora - Mickey (when Sora died in some Boss battles) - Riku (To save Sora in the final battle against Xemnas) Even though 2 of them were just in special situations, we played with them. I want the same for KH3. The one that should take down Isa is Lea. No one else. Lea must be playable here. We should be able play with all the 7 guardians of light, even if its just for one battle.
  14. Great interview. Can't wait to see more of this KH3 technology. Its time to say farewell to the old school and step on new ground. 2002-2015 RIP Old style. It's been a trip!
  15. There's no point in releasing another collection right now, when they can release a xehanort saga collection with KH3 final mix before KH4.
  16. Its the only part of the gameplay that i really don't care. But after almost 10 years, i built my own ship in KH 1.5. Trophy reasons. On a side not, Gummi ship was improved greatly in KH2 (in fact everything was, except story) Comparing it to KH1 should be considered bullying.
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