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Sakuraba Neku

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Everything posted by Sakuraba Neku

  1. Movie: Lion King Music : Can You Feel the Love Tonight But Lion King 1 and 2 have both a lotttt epic songs. *hi5* *hi5*
  2. @Tails versus XIII?! Bleach please! That game wont never came out at least with that name.
  3. Yeah the title says it all. Why are you being so doubtful about HD collection coming overseas? Kingdom Hearts is an overseas series. All games were released in our contries and We always had the chance to play every single one of them. True we didnt have the final mix versions but that wasnt a completely new game just the same games we received earlier but with additional content. This collection wil have 2 packs: 1.5 and 2.5 and they will be completely remade for PS3. Tecnically they arent new games too but its something completely different from final mix versions There's like 4 reasons for this collection being made: 1- Earn money (always the the first priority ) 2 - HD tecnical test (KH3 will be in a whole different level) 3 - Bring new fans to the series (money money money) 4 - Keep the olds fans entertained and draw their attention from KH3 to this collection. Lets be honest, Kingdom hearts 3 wont came out until at least 2015. It will be something like this: 2013 - Kingdom Hearts HD - 1.5 ReMix 2014 - Kingdom Hearts HD - 2.5 ReMix 2015 - Kingdom Hearts 3...news... So yeah Im sure Kingdom HD collection will come overseas and not be released only in japan. Jump Festa will be held there in December and Square will be there. Since this collection is already in its final stages im sure we get more information about it. A release date would be awesome since Nomura wants to release this sooner as he can. Stop being so negative
  4. Instead of TWEWY gang appear again in a KH game it can be the opposite. KH gang appear in TWEWY 2 in a special day. Something like the special "another day" in first game.
  5. I never was the kind of person to be on these forums but since I didnt know anyone with I could discuss about Kingdom Hearts, and here are a lot of fans I decided to do it http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  6. I've been a lurker for some years too. Its never too late. Welcome and have fun
  7. Hayley grew up unlike sora who keeps reverting back to when he was 14 years old so his voice is fine now. I dont have problem with his tone anyway but last time I heard it in the first game, yeah I felt the diference but its not big deal. I would felt more if they changed the cast. I just want them to add the option "skip scene" in the first game, so I dont have to rewatch the same cutscene again when I clash with dark riku in hollow bastion
  8. " Chuck Norris, the most Badass person who ever lived! " Only because Goku is an anime character.
  9. welcome to the family. Have fun!
  10. In video games you get hurt too but you always have your potions and revives.
  11. I've been playing the series since 2004 but dont have nostalgia feeling. wherever i want to play I play it. If theres somethings i feel nostalgic about is my chilhood. After school would always run home to watch Dragon Ball, that was the days For that 20 minutes I wouldnt care about anything just enjoy the episode thats something I miss. Childhood was the best part of my life, the rest is only fillers. About what got me to play with, i used to buy games magazine and found some info about the game and fou suqare would mix with disney and was like "what is this?" then I started to get more info to know more about the game and realize the gameplay was ATB (active time battle, not turns) one of th reasons why never liked FF. So with that, knowing we could visit several disney worlds, the graphics were animecartoon style, I wished to play it and did. End up to be more awesome thta I was things. I was hoping to have some fun but not seeing the epicness I saw. The part that most marked me in this series was the ending of the first game. sora holding kairi hand and say he will ways be with her and later on the island she finds the picture on the secret place he drew and crying she drew ao paopu fruit too, that got me so bad And utada hikaru song hikari/simple and clean playing in background made that moment even more special. I remember listen hat song for hours. Thats it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlbFQRdX7VM
  12. yeah you're nice http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  13. Do you wanna do it? You dont have to. In the end I will tell all school we did it anyway.
  14. Allows you to find backdoors so you can eliminate the bugs. There are some backdoors that you cant track down with scan level 1 or level 2 for example but if your scan level up you will find them Of course its shows the enemy HP too but you should already know about this one, i guess
  15. Sora himself didnt met her but his data version in KH coded did. And said thanks to her for what she did for his memories. She even said that he shouldnt be thankful to her since she was the one starting to mess with his memories in the beginning but you know how sora is
  16. So skrillex like Kingdom Hearts?! Never saw that coming

    1. OkashiraKenrex


      OMG,I LOOKED AT THE VID AND IT IS AWESOME,cuz there are lets just say 1000 crazy devoted fans of skrillex which now will play/look up kh and start luving it too!!!!!!YYYAAAYYY and i like skrilly alot too.

    2. Sakuraba Neku

      Sakuraba Neku

      I dont like skrillex but its good to know when famous people enjoy the same things than us =)

    3. OkashiraKenrex


      so true,when i become famous i'll revive everything i like/love and get a ferari.

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  17. I was only talking about the main trios. The only one I forgot was this one: Donald-Goofy-Sora haha if you want shira go ahead
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