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Sakuraba Neku

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Everything posted by Sakuraba Neku

  1. a lot of my friends talk about this anime and and want me to watch it, i will give it a try one day
  2. bat vision?! oh shit, its way different than I ever thought possible...
  3. They already answer it. Ansem the wise is not that wise.
  4. the 3 filler arcs in shippuden: sora, sanbi and 6 tails connected to the plot but they cant even be compared to DBZ fillers arcs. Even the the fillers of one episode connected to the sotry in dbz look to naruto lately, i gave up watching the anime only read the manga now because the anime is all screwed up with pointless episodes. I rather they did a break instead ruin the anime. Its only fillers abou animals or the same old scenes form naruto classic animated in a different way (for worse). Shippuden has a shitty animation since some years ago. We have really different opinions so I will stop here because im lazy to write more.
  5. she would love anything you did for her, thats love
  6. No. Dragon Ball was suposed to end in frieza saga and make goku the one and only super saiyan from the legend. Awakening his powers and fight agaisnt the monster who destroyed his race and his home planet, both alone with a whole planet near destruction as battlefield. Perfect ending if you ask me. But Dragon Ball = Money so they pressure toriyama-sama to continue and once agian was supossed to end there. Making gohan the new hero and goku's sucessor. But then once again, money is more important, so they pressured toriyama-sama one more time and buu saga born. Later he revelead that every saiyan can turn super saiyan, if he trains hard enough and explodes with angry. But here in buu saga, gohan was supposed to the hero and defeat buu while goku remained in other world, but goku is just that perfect character thats impossible to not like him, and toriyama-sama noticed that fans wanted him back and gohan couldnt replace him , so he bring him back and make him dfeat buu. Affer that, the staff still wanted more sagas thats when toriyama-sama said "enough!" and sold the rights to the company because he wanted to make other projects. And with the rights bought, GT was born. - End No No no Im from Portugal , i gew up with portuguese version wich haves the original soundtracks. I hate the american version and I pity the people who grew up without listen the original soundtracks. Dragon Ball soundtracks were personaly chosen for toriyama-sama to fit every scene and the americans change that to me its like they thought "I know more about your series than you" wtf?! i despise the american version (not trying to be rude) because of that. even though they the remastered version i wont never watch it. Because it isnt only that but the dialogue too. American version invented so much omg and put dialogue in every scene even when was supossed to be a silent moment and we would only enjoy the beautiful background song. besides a lot of people like goku character in english version but to me, which saw the original version, he's soooo out of his character. sean schemmel make gound sound like a marvel a hero he isnt that. For example his speech to frieza "im the hope of the universe.. Im the light in the darkness blablabla" awesome speech ?! yeah is a good speech. But goku character is supposed to be like that?! firetruck no! he would never say something like that. that mae him sound like jesus...he's better than jesus. in Japanese version he says "Despite my calm heart im the legendary super saiyan" something like that, dont remember well now but its a quote that futs he's character. Now compare both and see how goku is so out of character in american version. Goku is the kind of character that i dont say "he's a badass" because that word doesnt fit this character, words more like hero,saviour,etc fit him better. Badass fits vegeta and piccolo for example. About this "May I remind you of the pointless comedy episodes, the prolonged plot points, the meaningless staring contests, power up scenes, and all that" I rather have these scene than a lot of filler without sense, at least dragon ball staff knew how to slow the plot with these scenes because a lot of pointless fillers can ruin an anime inspired in an awesome manga. For example: Naruto. I rather see these kind of scenes in DBZ than a naruto filler, believe it. Here's a example of how Kai will never be better than DBZ, it simply cant beat DBZ soundtracks in my opinion of course. An epic sountrack playing in background to me makes a lottt difference: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtw3JEqGS_g
  7. Its always sad to lose a DBZ fellow, hope you solve that problem is not that hard
  8. I wanted to see tsuna family fight primo family http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png One of best shonen mangas nowadays was cancelled, faith in humanity = lost
  9. Kai is good but the original series are better to me. The ost from DBZ is holy and you cant find better soundtracks than that in any other anime, neither in Kai. There like 3 or 4 only soundtracks that i enjoyed i nkai while in DBZ i enjoyed all sountracks. Dont care if DBZ has fillers or not because DBZ fillers are awesome, Naruto the numer one anime that rip off Dragon Ball should learn somethin with this too. Garlick Junior saga?! Other World Tournament saga?! firetrucking awesome filler sagas and both connect reall well with the plot. One, show us how they dont always need Goku to save the earth and how much gohan grew. The other one shows more about the other world, the kais, and has the epic final between Goku and Pikkon. There's too the false namek planet filler saga, which i dont consider so good as these ones, but still enjoy it wihtout problems though. Besides since i saw DBZ a lottt of times , when i saw Kai, all that things happening so fast, there wass some moments i rather the time they had in DBZ to happen. For example: Vegeta being healed in Frieza planet before going to Namek. In Kai that happen like in 2 minutes , too fast in my opinion, while in DBZ it took some episodes before we got healed from all this injuries which makes sense because he was near death and needed some time to recover 100%. Thas only one example, theres more, but Im lazy to write it So it's like this to me: DB Kai - 8/10 DBZ - 11/10
  10. Epah ya mas um gajo nunca ta satisfeito. Se ta desempregado ta desanimado porque nao tem trabalho, se tem trabalho ta desanimado porque trablaha nessas alturas e nao tem ferias http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png é por isso que nao tenho ido ao chat. um gajo chega á noite nah tem paciencia pra isso, a ver se passo la no fds pra malta falar
  11. I heard they had recorded something but I thought it was a game or the new movie DBZ > DB Kai But I will watch it anyway because its dragon ball
  12. haha you say that because you never came to my city
  13. nothing special I will be working
  14. theres nothing to talk about. Kingdom Hearts 3 is stil farrr and this HD collection is not a new game. The only thing i want for now is a release date for overseas version which I hope to get in Jump Festa held in December.
  15. all 7 guardians together like a classic final The final batte should be RikuxSoraxKairi vs Him though. Kingdom Hearts 1 - GoofyxSoraxDonald vs Xehanort Heartless Kingdom Hearts 2 - RikuxSora vs Xemnas Kingdom Hearts 3 - TerraxVentusxAqua vs Vanitas & RikuxSoraxKairi vs Master Xehanort
  16. I dont have many friends but the ones I have are AMAZING!!! nah joking you expected me to say that?! they arent that awesome, I hate backstabbers... But I have a few real friends not joking this time Fear not. You have me shira
  17. Not counting my introduction thread, it was "what's your favourite trio in Kingdom Hearts?" some weeks ago.
  18. Its worse than that. It feels like to me that there are more people wanting this game to be released so they can start KH3 development than people really interested in versus itself.
  19. Its always the same shit. The fans are already waiting for 6 firetrucking years and they still have the guts to say "wait a little longer". I know this kind of games take a lot of time and there's a really difficult development behind it but its their own fault for announced it so soon...
  20. hello and wlecome . Hope you have fun here! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
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