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Sakuraba Neku

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Everything posted by Sakuraba Neku

  1. That "surprise" in the end of KH Back Cover Movie by the Master of Masters will easily become a meme.

    1. Kinode


      The surprise is that he says "suprise" in engrish lol

    2. Kinode


      (I'm not even kidding that's it)

    3. Dio Brando
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  2. Avoid?! I'm waiting for them. I want to see that secret cutscene from 0.2 that leads to KH3 so bad! Spoilers never ruined my enjoyment. If something is good, it will still give me a good time. For people that want to avoid spoilers my advice is that you stop using internet, unless it is for work purposes. The chances of you being spoiled in a stupid manner are higher than you think.
  3. Seems like there's no secret ending this time, but that scene will do the job. There's a first time to everything. :tongue: It's okay.
  4. When it comes to Kingdom Hearts, my wishes for this year is that we finally stop getting more games before KH3, and KH3 gets the spotlight from June onwards until it comes out.

    1. VisitJoan


      At least we're getting something.

  5. Finally we got some interesting news about KH3 in 2016. And right before the year ends. Never lose hope.

  6. Nomura's holiday message video surprised me more than Utada being working on KH3 main theme.

    1. Dio Brando

      Dio Brando

      I just hope the main theme isn't Simple & Clean or Sanctuary for the fiftieth time in a row.Love those songs but they overused them to death

    2. Xiro


      How about... Sanctuary & Clean??



  7. The brotherhood between the main cast of FF15 is so perfectly well done! Never saw something like it.

  8. The Master of Masters is Gintoki! Now let that sink in. Of course the Foretellers will get trolled.

    1. Joker


      The Master of Masters is Yensid

    2. Dio Brando

      Dio Brando

      The Master of Masters is Dio Brando

    3. Joker


      The Master of Masters is the x-blade

  9. "None, it's enough for now" seems like the perfect answer.
  10. I had a hard time believing how they would top KH3D Opening, but they really did it. And now I wonder how they will top this one with KH3.

  11. Everything, but especially the scenes with Sora and Aqua. I had a hard time believing how they would top KH3D Opening, but they really did it! Now I wonder how KH3 will top this one.
  12. Not interested in that pin.

  13. Always E3. After that Jump Festa is my pick, not only for games news but anime and manga too.
  14. I'm not forgetting that but the truth is, Nomura never planned to delay KH 2.8 release until they got screwed by FF15 release delay. Things have changed and that comment "No KH3 news for now" from Nomura may not be true anymore. Not matter how much they want to hide KH3 from the spotlight, fans will keep ask "Where is KH3?". I don't see what's the problem of showing a new KH3 teaser together with the last KH 2.8 trailer. They showed new stuff about KH3 before 1.5 and 2.5 release, it's not like they can't do it again. From a business point of view it's understandable they want KH 2.8 to have full attention, because it's next one coming out. Still doesn't change the fact that KH 2.8 is indeed a prologue to the big main event, KH3. We didn't have anything about KH3 this year, yet. Show a KH3 teaser with KH 2.8 trailer is a good reminder for new and casual fans to buy KH 2.8, so they can catch the train and know what's going on in the final game of this saga.
  15. If your easy answer is "They will ignore Jump Festa." then you're wrong. KH usually shows up in Jump festa. December is definitely a month for KH fans look forward to. The last KH 2.8 trailer will most likely release in there, together with a new teaser and information about KH3 We still didn't have anything about KH3 this year, they will change that. They will think about the whole world at E3 2017.
  16. It's a small piece of something bigger. - Her father tweet: http://kh13.com/news...gdom-hearts-iii - Nomura collaboration for her album with KH sutff: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/81498-tetsuya-nomura-drew-hikaru-utada-with-a-kingdom-hearts-spin/ along with this message: And now her comment: https://twitter.com/...303393069555712 (Japanese) https://twitter.com/...303791142477824 (English) When you start doing your homework, and gathering the small pieces that we had in the last years, you can make an interesting puzzle. Of course nothing is confirmed. I never said it was, even though I believe it will happen. There's no point of she saying to her fans that she saw KH 2.8 trailer, when she must know that we want her back in KH3. If she didn't want anything to do with this franchise anymore, she wouldn't even talk about the trailer publicly like this. That's common sense not only for her, but for every celebrity that is involved with a ongoing franchise.
  17. I never said it did Still, it's worthy to share and know about this. That's the only reason why celebrities do that. :tongue:
  18. Utada Hikaru tweeted that she saw Kingdom Hearts 2.8 trailer, which means she must know where this is leading. Some years ago, her father said on Twitter she would return to work in KH3, but that turned out to be a misunderstanding (or maybe not), and he claimed it was still undecided afterwards. You can read that story here: http://kh13.com/news/43722-utada-hikaru-is-involved-in-the-theme-song-for-kingdom-hearts-iii Her return for KH3 is still speculation nowadays, even if there's some hints here and there. She tweeted about it twice: https://twitter.com/utadahikaru/status/776303393069555712 (Japanese) https://twitter.com/utadahikaru/status/776303791142477824 (English) I still didn't thought she would comment something like this. The chances of her return are getting higher!
  19. They better release this already, before they show the entire game in the trailers.
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