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Everything posted by Ruran

  1. My problem with Kairi isn't so much that she's "useless" rather that she's not so much a character than she's an object that just so happens to walk and talk.
  2. R.I.P my laptop's battery. It's so charger dependant it only last about three minutes when not plugged in.
  3. Welp, this brings back annoying memories of my school chums leaving me with all the work. Yeah, I was usually the 99% person. ಠ_ಠ
  4. Mine has : and: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mr2zDGCg3T4
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVdlox9n-lU
  6. You also forgot about how Sora totally stole Mickey's swag. Dat bastard! I think Weiss hears you loud and clear, bro~
  7. Imma just leave these here: http://blip.tv/suede/animenia_pokemon01pt1-6051913 http://blip.tv/suede/animenia_pokemonpt2-6052346 *sits back and drinks* What? No point in regurgitating this information when it's already in a much more entertaining video format. Let's just say I agree with all their points and leave it at that. *drinks*
  8. Since it's a whole new saga they'll probably jump straight to KH4. I don't think the next saga will need as many (if at all) side games as this one did. The Xehanort Saga needed them because at the beginning Nomura was making things up as he went along but eventually he fleshed out the story better for the long run.
  9. I honestly don't believe the whole "we're not making KH3 until Versus is done" is completely relevant anymore considering how many years ago that statement was made. At this point Versus is probably nearing completion and the Re:Mix's are being made for the PS3. I think at point they've at least started working on very early stuff so I think there's a pretty good chance it'll be for both the PS3 and PS4 but certainly not a PS4 exclusive. If it is there's no way I'm buying it...
  10. Sora couldn't really get back to DI himself, nor could Namine at that point. Since Diz was still hanging around and needed Sora and Namine for his plans I figure he would take them in.
  11. ​My "what if" fan fiction senses are tingling. Sora and Namine's lives would have been better and Riku would have been stuck with Kairi. Tru fax.
  12. I'd sooner relate Kairi's treatment in the series due to Disney rather than Nomura being Japanese. When you look at Kairi's character, especially in the first game, she's very much a "classic Disney princess", even down to the fight with Maleficent in Dragon form right before you find her and wake her up as a nice call back to Sleeping Beauty. Ultimately it was still Nomura's call but I always got the impression with Kairi's character that since she was a PoH Nomura wanted to make her like the other princesses on some level so the ickey result was making her a DiD/designated "love interest"/McGuffin girl and even the Smurfette. Combine what we got in the game with the concept art of Kairi doing all the domestic things like reading, gardening, cooking, balancing the large portions of food she cooked, and feeding Sora and Riku the large portions of food she cooked while she stands by them waiting with a platter aaaaaaaand...the only thing missing is to have her sing while cute island animals help her in her womanly tasks. Regardless, is it still sexiest? I'd say so. Is there an excuse for it? Or at least a good enough reason? Eeeeehhhhhh.........If you wanna look on the brighter side of things and give Nomura the benefit of the doubt we can say he was just following classic story and Disney conventions because of KH having a certain "fairy tale" like quality to it. Although looking at the other female characters and how KH is a sausage fest there's not a lot of leeway there even if you can find some (some) excuse for Kairi.
  13. Less atrocities in the world caused by people demanding KH3.
  14. With the insomnia I've been having lately I really need to get more sleep than I do. I "sleep" about five-six hours but it's a very disturbed sleep where I toss and turn and wake up almost a dozen times. Predictably, I get up feeling like a zombie.
  15. Never played Call of Duty but these games are so far apart I don't see the point of pinning them against each other? I mean I get comparing it to some other JRPGs like its sister games FF and The World Ends With You or Persona or something, but why CoD?
  16. My only thoughts: Man, that food looks good.
  17. I kinda took it that Donald and Goofy were, at least partly, made as buffers, to help take the damage off of you by distracting the Heartless so there weren't as many on you at once. Hence they were made "weak" on purpose to balance things out. As the protagonist when you play as Sora you're the one that's supposed to be decking out and receiving the most damage so Donald and Goofy are there to buffer you a little but not enough that the fight is legitimately divided among the three equally.
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