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Everything posted by Ruran

  1. Glad I'm not the only one who's noticed. In nature Lions have "harems" of lionesses who all mate with the "king" and there's only one adult male allowed per pride. irl Nala and Simba would be brother and sister, I don't know how it works in The Lion King.
  2. But seriously though, that scene was taken from KH2FM's secret ending which was just a concept video. That too.
  3. Golden eyes=nortification. Because apparently Xehanort is the only human in the universe to naturally have them. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Disregarding the characters that are more directly connected to Xehanort, Saix/Isa and Vanitas also have golden eyes signaling that Xehanort's heart has a direct influence over them.
  4. They meet like, only once a decade ago and only hung out for ten minutes. I can barely remember the dude I spoke to at Gamestop just yesterday.
  5. Well for the ones you can get for the PS3 they would be FF V, VI, VIII, and IX and I think that's it for stand alones. I've only played a little of IX and I'm currently playing VI and I'm enjoying it so far. Those two are generally well received games. VIII is either you love it or you hate it but I mostly see vitriol for it and V...I hear nothing of it, lol. But that's my limited recommendation, VI and IX are usually safe bets.
  6. I'm not the most savvy when it comes to FF games but is there something you're looking for in particular? The series has been going on for so long and there are so many games one can be leaps and bounds different from the other. In general I recommend starting off with a stand alone title to get a complete story in one go.
  7. It's less of an anime thing and more of a manga thing. The majority of the anime mentioned here (if not all) started out as a manga first before being adapted. It's in their designated manga where the characters are yelling their attacks, the anime just follows suit because the source material has it that way. As for why characters yell out their attack, it's simple: so the readers know what's going on better. Manga is done in panel format and the vast majority of them are black and white so it's harder to tell when characters are performing a certain attack because it lacks things like colors and fluidity. Like let's say that one character shoots magic laser beams and each one does something different. One might be blue and another red but the reader can't tell because the manga is most likely in black and white. The solution is to just give the lassers names and call them out when ever used.
  8. http://www.nancy.cc/boy-names-that-start-with-the-letter-m/ Did I win yet, did I win!?
  9. I find your sentence structure a bit odd if you don't mind me saying. Close to an "M" name? Then is it an "L" or an "O" name?
  10. I had an old school chum called Mary.
  11. Is it Paul? Tell me it's Paul.
  12. Never used it, don't know if I will.
  13. Considering how long ago it was said that they wouldn't work on KH3 until Versus was done I don't think that holds much water anymore. At this point I think KH3 is at least in the pre-development stages all things considering.
  14. Theoretically cool, realistically unnecessary. I guess it's possible to squeeze in a fight if one/some of the thirteen Darknesses go to RG but I imagine the apprentices will be reclusive to that world.
  15. Everyone di-oh God dammit... Well as mentioned before KH is Sora's story till the end and I doubt they'll dump most of the current protagonist so it'll be a real juggle. There are like, thirteen or so current protagonist whose stories are not yet wrapped up and by the looks of it won't end with KH3. For the time being though I'm guessing that SRK will go back to DI, TAV will go back to the newly established LoD, MDG will go back to Disney castle, RAX will go back to...TT? Namine is also a bit hard to predict since she doesn't strictly belong anywhere but probably TT or DI. Then they all get together when a new threat arises
  16. I'm not all that desperate for it, it'll come when it comes. In the mean time I have other games to play, books to read, t.v. shows to catch up with etc. I have other thins to occupy my time with.
  17. Are Sora and Xehanort connected enough for that? Other than that, divide by zero.
  18. I pretty much agree with most of these and then some. Out of the ones you listed, how Kairi obtained a Keyblade is the most bother some imo. As mentioned "any douche with a strong heart can wield a Keyblade" so long as they at least have a strong heart to start off with but the way the ceremony works is just weird. Anyone with a strong heart can attain the ability if they touch a Keyblade the same time someone of master level is holding it. It's like a disease. What if Aqua went up to someone and bopped them one the head with her Keyblade, does that mean she passed down the ability? Terra smacked Zack thoroughly with his Keyblade, does that mean he has the potential too? Even if it's that two people have to hold the Keyblade with their hands the whole thing just rings of not being well thought out. As shown with Kairi anyone can just run up and grab it giving them the ability. I know it's supposed to be an "accident" so undergoing the ceremony had to be easy on some level, easy enough for a four year old to do it by accident, but it doesn't make the concept any less flawed.
  19. They've been teasing the idea of Sora falling to darkness since the first game but it's always been treated as something beyond his control. If Sora were to fall to darkness I can't see him being illegitimately evil, just not in control of himself. With that said, no, I don't like the idea of Sora turning evil. Whenever this sort of thing gets brought up with Sora it's like the Superman debate again where it's debated whether he should be more GRIMMDARK or not which the answer in regards to both him and Sora is no. It's derivative of the point.
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