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Everything posted by Ruran

  1. Posing like Aqua comes naturally to me but I find her fighting style kind of silly. Pretty, but silly. I'm not fast enough to have Ven, Vanitas or Mickey's style, nor am I strong enough to be a heavy hitter like Terra. Sora and Roxas and MX and Riku have similar battle styles to each other so *shrugs*. I can see myself being a generally well balanced fighter like Sora/Roxas but with Aqua's pose.
  2. Spam is just another way of saying "I love you".
  3. Guys, when ever you see me imagine this playing but replace the name with "Ruran".

  4. Yup, yup, taking everything into consideration I reckon that the eyecolor thing changed over time, especially when you consider that Heartless have yellow eyes and so did Ansem SoD so that's probably where the idea came from in the first place. Curiously, Xemnas has orange eyes like Ansem the Wise though so that's something to ponder. Xehanort just takes a bit of his heart and transfers it over,via , his Keyblade. We see him try to do it to Sora in 3D. Apparently Xehanort just needs to concentrate and he can do it that way. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Braig is the only one I'm confused about because as far as I can see there really was no reason to turn him into a Nobody. To be Nortified one has to completely submit themselves or have no will/sense of self, be "empty", or "asleep", for the process to work. Ultimately, one can be Nortified even when they have their heart still, it's just easier without it. Besides Braig, Vanitas also has golden eyes that imply he too is a Nort and he clearly has a heart and Xehanort tried to Nortify Sora while he was in an uber deep sleep.
  5. No, the last thing KH needs is to go on ANOTHER different (handheld) system. Once this saga wraps up the only other system I want to see KH go is the PS4 only because by the time the next saga comes out the PS4 would be a few years old and PS4 is supposed to be really easy to make games for.
  6. I'll get one. Ten years after I get the PS3 I still can't afford.
  7. Am I the only one who's never found the scent of lavender all that relaxing?

    1. Shera Wizard

      Shera Wizard

      Whenever I see lavender all I remember is lavender town .-.

    2. xxClouDxxmoon


      Lavender scent actually makes me uncomfortable sometimes o.o

  8. Since it was never established where Riku got that second Keyblade revision can be called on it. I wouldn't say that Riku having a second Keyblade was completely for the sake of plot convenience, it was already established that Sora being able to dual wield somehow related to Roxas, at that point it just wasn't established how and why Roxas could. I take it they were trying to create the same build up with Riku and his apparent ability to also dual wield. Not to mention if it was strictly because the plot demanded it (which I won't deny was the case, just for different reasons) they would have just had Kairi pull one out herself. No need to overcomplicate things otherwise by having Riku lend her one. Sure, why not? Keyblades chose their masters and as far as shown the ability stays with a person forever even if they don't have their original Keyblade for one reason or another. Riku had the ability, a qualified heart, no Keyblade, so another chose him.
  9. Since none of the pairings are intended to be canon then by default all efforts to debunk others are moot. There's also something about trying to prove why a non canon pairing that'll never happen is better than other non canon pairings that'll never happen that I find...unsportsmanlike? I mean if you support a paring and feel that there are adequate reasons for it then say why you think it works, don't deflect by saying why other pairing suck more. It just makes me think there's nothing really good to say about it and this sort of thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't care much for shipping either way but you can't say that fans can follow and support whatever pairing they like but then try and debunk others because it somehow detracts from your.
  10. Riku had two because of his affiliation with Ansem SoD. I reckon the second Keyblade was MX's with a DE Keychain on it but that's more of a fan theory.
  11. I thought they were holding their breaths for a really long time?
  12. For some reason water magic has always been rare in Square games. That's why she got all those ice spells as a substitute. Since ice is well...frozen water she got "water" spells indirectly.
  13. I don't think I'll get it..? I'm not much of a fan of Amano's art style tbh, it's too "kawaii desu!" for my taste. Of maybe I will, it depends. It could be useful for references but I'd prefer an art book by Nomura for that.
  14. If Sora hasn't earned being a Keyblade wielder at this point then KK is just being bitchy. It's possible that neither Sora nor Roxas will be able to dual wield anymore after Ven is awakened but because dual wielding is such a staple of the series now I reckon they'll still be able to do it because "hearts". For all intensive purposes Roxas has his own heart, he just needs to be chosen by his own Keyblade so eventually he probably won't need to use Sora's anymore. Since they'll always have a special connection though it's also possible that they could still use the KK at the same time but eventually there wouldn't be a need for it.
  15. "Why do you always gotta look at me like I drowned your goldfish?" -Xigbar
  16. I love creepypasta, it's fun seeing what people come up with and how they interpret certain things. It doesn't "ruin my childhood" because creepypasta is fake. It's the equivalent of letting a fandom ruin something you enjoy because they make weird porn or the cosplayers have a bad rep. It doesn't take away from my personal experience away.
  17. In theory it sounds like it could be awesome if done right. Personally...I think we have enough realms. Half of the ones we have now haven't even been explored yet and serve mainly as backdrops and and background mythos.
  18. What a coincidence! The main character, Sora, has been in a coma this whole time too! That's...kind of a lot to ask. I'd say to check the Wikia but that can be unreliable with it being edited by anyone and all. You can check out the information here by just looking through thier designated sections though~
  19. *just finished watching My Little Pony: Cupcakes* Wha-?
  20. Huh...I Somehow figured this was creepy pasta.
  21. There's also using Mickey D-Link in Neverland (if you we'rent using it).
  22. tbh I don't see being a GoL as being THAT special, being one of the chosen seven just means that you're an ingredient in X-Blade soup. Seeing as how there aren't a lot of Keyblade wielders per say and fate replaces them as needed I see it more as a "first come first severe" kind of thing. Ultimately, I don't think it matters that much if Sora's one of the seven or not, though I reckon he is.
  23. I find it interesting (in a cliche sort of way) that TAV are the only characters to have their personalities, color schemes, and fighting styles based off of their names. I wonder what prompted Nomura to do that with TAV specifically. I mean, it's not like they're the first characters to have element related names. I guess it's just a matter of having different priorities with the other characters.
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