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Everything posted by Ruran

  1. Well considering that I finally my first topic this morning. Yes. Shameless Plug-in http://kh13.com/foru...loor-fanclub-3/
  2. Because we see her spend more time with it then anyone or anything in the entire series. Think of all the times these two have spent together: ~It's there to catch her when ever she falls. ~She's slept on it. ~It's been there for her to drool on after she lost her heart and it didn't complain. ~It's been there for her when she woke up after she lost her heart. ~It didn't kill her when she jumped from a four stories high balcony. ~When she lays on it she keeps that spot from getting dirty or damaged. ~It's given her something to run away on. ~It's grown flowers for her to pick. The undeniable honesty of this relationship is just perfect.
  3. One does not simply accidentally into walls.
  4. I like how the perfume bottle is only there when Ursula steps on it. They both sound nice for different reasons but the Spanish one does sound more operatic.
  5. It's been out for the longest time, but like the other FMs it's Japan exclusive. It has a new secret ending, you might wanna check it out. Interesting stuff.
  6. If you have a PS3 or are planning to get one I'd say this is pretty solid advice. Just wait a few more years and maybe get a shinny new version of BbS in a nice collection. Other than that you've screwed yourself. Or as suggested before you can try downloading it illegally.
  7. I think it was mentioned once that there would be no FF worlds in KH (don't quote me on that) but the point of the FF characters in KH is that their cameos living in a separate continuity from the FF series. All the FF chracters in KH either originate from original KH worlds or Disney worlds. Going to FF worlds sort of breaks the continuity KH setup it self and the idea that they're AU versions of themselves.
  8. I'll watch it after I get the actual game in my hands. After I get a 3DS.
  9. There's a BbS one!?!?! I wanna read that. I've only seen two KH CPs, one I read and it wasn't that good and the other I wasn't interested in. I might wright a KH CP one of these days. I had this really weird glitch in BbS not long ago, maybe I'll base it off of that.
  10. I've read creepier tbh like the FarmVille one. A KH3D Creepypasta would be interesting though considering how trippy it is and it's infamous for being glitch pron to boot.
  11. I still haven't actually seen it happen, just heard about it through the grape vine but my reaction was: ಠ_ಠ
  12. Well they can have more, they just need a minimum of thirteen because that's how many they need to recreate the XBlade. If they were all worthy they would have all been seeded and there would be extra seekers.
  13. Have things come full circle and let Kingdom Hearts itself smite him. When he thinks he's attained KH and his goals it backfires and destroys him for good.
  14. I've only been here a few weeks and have yet to start a topic. I didn't bother with introductions.
  15. Your poll. It enrages me. I might see it but I'm more interested in Rise of the Guardians to be honest. I might not see either but I'm waiting for the latter to come out and see what comes of it.
  16. In BbS the Unversed were shrunken down to the size of rodents in Castle of Dreams for no other reason than to give Aqua (for a small part of the time) and Ven something to fight but I know what you're saying. Basically Disney movies are more "magical" and Pixar isn't. Even in low action movies like Snow White it still seemed to make sense when implemented in KH because of the simple fact of magic. Even though Pixar and Disney are closely related Disney has that magical element that Pixar lacks (not in a bad way) that may make it a little more difficult for the latter to be integrated but I don't think it can't be done. Toy Story I could never imagine being it's own world for instance but I could see it being a sub world akin to Winnie the Pooh. Or just summons as was intended in KH2. And yeah, I kinda would like to see Sora and co turned into toys, via magic, to solve some problem the TS characters are having.
  17. Gais, guess what? I've got a jar of dirt. And guess what's inside it.

    1. KingdomKatherine
    2. SoraBlade


      Dunno......... air? It's a jar made of dirt. :P

    3. Marley_Aqua_33


      One guy who was once DChiuch's whore, but when he tried to leave Aaron came after him.

      That's the proof.

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