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Everything posted by Ruran

  1. I really hope people don't get their hopes up for this when it's unconfirmed. I've already seen people say they're going to get pissed if 2.5 doesn't have a secret ending pertaining to KH3. To address the worlds I don't expect any from Pixar or Epic Mickey. As much as people want it I don't think Pixar is interested in being involved with KH. Even though they're a part of Disney they like to prove that they can stand on their own. Same with Epic Mickey. I think KH will continue to use more narrative driven cutscenes for secret endings like they have been as of late because as cool looking as the CGI ones are they're concept videos that ultimately confuse the players and were first being used as bait because Nomura wasn't sure if the first game would get off the ground and he didn't have much of the story fleshed out at that point. Does KH2.5HD need a secret ending?Not really. It's apparent that the series isn't complete, even to newcomers. I assume the secret ending the fans are supposed to look for anyway is the one in Re:Coded which clearly hints there's more to come. It does make me wonder what they're going to do with the secret ending that are already in place since KH2, BbS, and Re:Coded all have them. You think this sounds cool?To be perfectly honest. Not really. If they have a secret ending. What do you think it should be like?Even though like much of the fanbase I think the CGI Secret Endings are boss and Zero Point was interesting, ultimately they're more confusing than anything so I think they should keep them straight forward.
  2. Since KH3 is the end of the Xehanort Saga I'm not expecting a cliff hanger. If there was one I think that'd deter me even more tbh.
  3. Possibly, but if we get to play as other characters I hope they keep the segments short. I don't mind what they did in KH2 where we had a short scenario with Roxas, played as Riku for a moment, and Mickey sometimes when you died, but I'm not a fan of the large scenarios like in BbS and 3D. It's cool in theory but I don't think KH does it well. It's makes gameplay more interesting but at the sacrifice of the writing.
  4. lol, all this butt-hurt over calling the side games filler. KH gets worked on by two teams at Square, Production Development Division 1 (A.K.A PDD1 or Tokyo Team) and Production Development Division 5 (A.K.A PDD5 or Osaka Team) PDD1 is in charge of making the main numbered KH titles, KH1 and 2, while PDD5 works on all the handheld games. For the past few years PDD1 has been wrapped working on FF Versus XIII which is what's preventing them from making KH3. PDD5 has been making the side games to fill in the time while trying to expand the universe of the series. Basically, the side games have nothing to do with KH3's hinderance, it's all whatever's been happening with Versus.
  5. Can we just blame Stephenie Meyer's Twilight for everything, including Bronies?
  6. Hurr hurr! I see what you did there! *walks out with everyone else*
  7. This is all because of Alicorn Princess Twilight isn't it?
  8. Yeah, the whole meta-body thing has been around for a while but it's never been brought attention to in game, which is weird because it happens ALL the time and not just with main characters. That's how Heartless exist (well Emblem ones anyway), they don't have real bodies so their hearts produce substitute bodies out of darkness. Sora, Ansem SoD, Kairi, and Riku all had these meta-bodies at some point with various stability in just the first game.
  9. It's confusing because the games never addressed the heart's ability to project a "body" around itself. It's just a thing that happens for various reasons and ways whenever the plot needs it to. In the case of Kairi it was to confuse the kupo out of us, but yeah, when Sora found Kairi in the cave she had already lost her heart.
  10. Kiss me you fool! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ruran


      But I'm out of weed and 4/20 is over! ಥ‿ಥ

    3. RoxSox


      And, for the third time today...



    4. Ruran


      Welp, I'm out of alcohol (and drugs). Guess there's only one option left. Seppuku.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  11. Dear, Princess Celestia-(continue)

    1. Koko



    2. Ruran


      My Little Pony: Smoking Weed is Magic.

    3. Koko
  12. It's fascinating bouncing between MLP:FiM and KH13 right now, lol.

    1. Sikota Urinakano

      Sikota Urinakano

      YES! Humor! I haven't seen that here all night

  13. Welp, my creepypasta is a little more plausible now.
  14. The past two months. I don't know if it's my immune system or what but when I get sick I get sick for a looooooooooooooong time. it's not that I even get sick badly, it just lingers. I caught a cold a while back and while I'm technically "better" I'm still recovering from it.
  15. Ven also wanted to become a Keyblade master. Because he was told to. Sort of. This is a long term goal I always found weird because it felt so tacked on. ME takes Ven partly with the intention of training him to one day be a master like Terra and Aqua but because of Ven's state at the time he didn't go in with that intention. He just did what everyone told him to do/did what everyone else's was doing. In the four years he was at LoD it seemed to never seriously cross his mind that one day he might become a Keyblade master himself, even though that's what he spent all those years training for, and his short term goal was just being able to see Terra and Aqua reach their own goals. It wasn't until Ven went on his journey that it finally clicked: "you know, this Keyblade master gig sounds pretty fly." But I can't help but think the only reason he wants to be a master is because his friends are or aspire to be masters and so that's all he knows. He didn't have any memories prior to MX dropping him off at LoD so for all intensive purposes his entire life revolves around "Keyblade culture". The person taking care of him was a Keyblade master who attained him from another keyblade master and spent years training him to be a Keyblade master with other people who want nothing more than to be...well...Keyblade masters. So I guess after the whole Xehanort shebang is over Ven will try to reach his goal of becoming a Keyblade master (<I've made myself sick of this term already, lol). What I'd LIKE from Ven's character is for him to perhaps realize that the only reason he has this goal is because of his conditioning rather than his will and wants to do more self searching to figure out what he really wants out of life. I wouldn't mind if he still came to the conclusion that he wants to be a Keyblade master, but I'd at least want a little more meat out of it. But I know his long term goal from here on out will be to be a master because...reasons. Hey, why did Aqua and Terra want to become masters in the first place anyway?
  16. Even though the finer details aren't known, as the other posts have stated, it's the recusant sigil and either way the implications are pretty disturbing. It basically marks Saix as Xehanort's property and I think it allows Xehanort to keep track of him at all times. However he got the scar process behind it wouldn't have been very pretty.
  17. Yeah, it was Young Xehanort. It's debatable if they have an actual connection but that was more a reaction from Ven within Sora. Sensing YMX stirred his heart and memories.
  18. I like how Larxene and Vanitas's laugh's are basically sped up "bedroom noises".
  19. Not even considering that becoming a heartless isn't considered death either. I think it's more like some sort of state of suspension until the heart is freed. Clayton and Sabor were killed dead though.
  20. Half creepy, half orgasmic. They're the Japanese voices.
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