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Everything posted by Ruran

  1. I'm okay with it. As others have mentioned it's a free browse game that's just meant to be enjoyed on the side as the first true none canon story. Any more advanced and we'd have ton pay for it. Not to mention there's not a lot of information for it yet, it could be really cool. It's a real thing called Disney Fantasy Online though it's apparently Chinese only. It looks interesting though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB43cfMA2po
  2. The detail for this cover is methodical at some points but then lax in others. Like they put interesting little details with the square under the Re:CoM portion are cards and all the Keyblades on the thrown are all the Keyblades Sora gains in KH1 but then there are hiccups in the details. Sora's crossed leg is hovering hovering over the other in a weird way, his hand should't be over his leg like that, Goofy is too short (to be fair it's probably so he doesn't cross over into the Re:CoM portion), his pant leg is drawn in the wrong direction, Kairi's standing in an unnatural pose, and RAX all look dead eyed. Nomura, why you do this to me...: (
  3. For better or worse the interviews are second tier canon so it's easier for him to change his mind about certain matters even if he stated them as fact. The games never said that Nobodies don't age so Nomura can get away with contradicting what he said in interviews because it's not set in stone until brought up in the games. At first the only Nobodies who aged were Roxas, Namine, and Xemnas because they're special Nobodies but it looks like the idea of Nobodies not aging was ditched entirely. Assuming that Sora birthday didn't pass sometime during the event of KH1, yes, his physical body is fourteen then later becomes fifteen. When asked about the Org. members ages in a Days related interview Nomura said Roxas was fifteen, so I take it that's how old he was for most of Days? Though despite his body I consider him one-two years old because I go by when he came into being, lol.
  4. KH3 I think they'll be able to squeeze on to the PS3 but I'm not sure about the rest of the saga. By the time KH3 comes out the PS4 might be a few years old so for the new saga they might shift if to the PS4. Symbolically makes sense to boot, put the shinny new saga on the shinny new system.
  5. This video makes me happy. : ) The comments make me sad. : (
  6. I won't completely deny the possibility that KH3 might come out on the PS4, though for consistencies sake I think Nomura will try and have it on the PS3. Other wise it makes the Re:MIXs redundant.
  7. I think we're jumping to conclusions too fast. When a new console gets announced game companies don't all of a sudden forget about the last gen and shift their focus to the new ones all at once, it takes years. New games will still come out for the PS3 and I think KH3 will still come out on it as well. It's the last game in the Xehanort Saga and if it comes out around 2015-2016 that's not too far into the PS4's life span. Not to mention the PS4 isn't even coming out for a while still.
  8. Square makes multiple games at once so they have multiple teams to work on them. Osaka Team (5th Production Department) is one of them and usually handles the handheld KH games. KH1&2 were developed by 1st Production Department (Tokyo Team) who are currently busy with Final Fantasy Versus. Since they worked on the first two main KH games Nomura wanted them to work on KH3 but at this point Osaka Team has more experience with KH so many fans are expecting/wanting them to handle KH3, or at least help out, instead of the other one.
  9. The games never go into detail about it but it seems he was simply chosen by a new one, some time during KH2 if I recall correctly. The exact details probably aren't important.
  10. The Keyblade Sora has now (Kingdom Key) was Riku's Keyblade. It had chosen Riku but the night DI was destroyed Sora accidentally took it from Riku when he was enveloped in darkness. Sora is a bit of a special case as he didn't undergo an inheritance ceremony nor did Ven's heart allow him the wield, he earned it through all the trials he went through through out KH1 and being stronger than Riku. When one undergoes the inheritance ceremony the bequeathed doesn't get the bequeather's Keyblade, they get their own. Lingering Will is baffled as to why someone else has the Keyblade of the person he chose then confuses Sora for Xehanort. LW isn't exactly stable. In CoM Namine looks fairly different from Kairi but by KH2 they look almost identical. It has to do with story changes I won't get into now but it's assumed that Namine has blond hair because she took some characteristics from Ven. That's a popular fan theory though. That's a bit difficult to answer because Namine is still in many ways an enigma. In a sense she's a "Nobody" in the truest sense because she came from almost nothing but at the same time she's not really a Nobody because she's missing the fundamentals only similar in birth. If Namine were to die or something I don't think it would cause much damage though. Namine was born from Kairi but seemingly took nothing from her and if she did Kairi doesn't appear to miss it. Since she's a "Nobody" though then theoretically she might just go back to Kairi. Roxas and Namine are currently just "sleeping within Sora and Kairi. No one knows for sure what's become of Terr's heart or where it is. Assuming it goes where ever Xehanort's heart goes it's back in it's body proper but still under Xehanort's control. This theory gets tossed around quite a bit actually. I don't know what to think of it tbh, I never paid the theory much mind. Though looking at the final boss fight at BbS's Final Episode the Guardian seems well under Xehanort's control.
  11. Kingdom Hearts X-2. It'll star Kairi, Namine, and a new female character decked out in skimpy outfits going on misadventures and trying to reunite the world in song.
  12. My feels of horror. ;_____;
  13. Guys please. Rule 34 is not restricted by "X(XX)" becuase Rule 34 IS the new XXX. I was thinking fanfiction tbh.
  14. It's Square Enix's main cash cow game series. There are so many because most games are stand alone stories that share similar elements. As such it's hard to describe but a quick wiki search should help.
  15. Kind of annoyed tbh. I've been waiting years to get a PS3 but I still won't get one for a while and Versus is one of the games I was looking forward to playing on it. When the PS4 comes out I probably won't get that until years later. My excitement for the PS4 is stagnant at the moment. Not because I'm not anticipating the newest console, I want to see what they're planning, but as I mentioned before it's something I won't be able to get my hands on for a very long time.
  16. No, you're not the only one. Because I can't play it, lol.
  17. From what I understand they were using Sora as a stand in character since they already had the data for him and such but weren't actually planning for BbS to revolve around him.
  18. I'm not sure how these count as "cliches". Some of them sound more like tropes.
  19. It'd help if we really knew what it was even about though~ Most likely about Aqua's time in the RoD but that's more fan assumption. I don't think we need it tbh because there's only so much left that can be covered. Everything that hasn't been shown yet can probably encompass a few cut scenes or can just be left to the player's imagination.
  20. EVERYONE has had a hard life/past in KH, this is a series out to practically destroy its own protagonists. I don't like debating over who had it worse than who because I find it derogatory towards characters who put up with a lot of shit regardless if their life was "better" or "worse' than another's.
  21. Use Nomura's old concept of a chainsaw instead of a Keyblade because it's waaaaaaaay cooler then that dinky key. On top of that have blood and junk. When that chainsaw cuts through enemies I want spurts of blood and maybe a little screaming when you kill Heartless. Heartless should look like actual terrifying monsters. Not gnats like the shadows, something that looks like it'll tear my face off that'll really make me want to rip it to shreds. Remove all Disney and have only original characters and Square characters. Since they brought in TWEWY characters then they should have other Square characters like from Parasite Eve or even their manga like Fullmetal Alchemist. We should visit FF worlds. Going to Midgar would be so boss! They need to step up the romance. This is another problem that clearly stems from Disney, their movies and t.v. shows never have any romance so KH can't have it the way it wants to. Sora and Kairi are clearly in love with each other and we haven't seen them kiss yet because Nomura has to hold back. Hopefully Disney will lay off for KH3 because we need to see Sora and Kairi hook up, we NNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDD IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT. The character can't be happy until they have a significant other and neither can the fans. In fact, all the characters need to date, Riku needs a girlfriend and Roxas ad Namine need to be official. None of that gay stuff though. Swearing. KH has to be more mature and have swear words to show that it's not just a kid's game. To make it more mature characters also need to die. No one ever dies in KH but that again is Disney's fault. KH really needs more adult themes so it can be taken seriously. How I'm I supposed to take the characters progress seriously if they never kill anyone!? -______- More fanservice. Sex sells and KH would sell way better if they put the girls in skimpier outfits. Again, you can tell they want to go further with how the girls dress already but again, because of stupid Disney they have to restrain them selves. They had to censor Aqua's back because we could almost see her ass and we couldn't even get proper panty shots from Kairi when it's obvious peak bait. Good thing we could look under her skirt with the camera, if only Square didn't have to be so sneaky about it. Aqua and Kairi are half way there, Namine's clothes are fairly scant too, now they just need to work on Xion. Oh! and they need larger breasts! Big luscious Tifa sized breasts!
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