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Everything posted by King.Mickey

  1. Yeah, I work a lot though so it takes me a little bit to catch up on some news, and I don't go on the internet much other than this site usually.
  2. For those that don't already know, I just saw on the news that Disney recently announced a game caled InfINity. It looks "meh"...Extremely disappointed that it wasn't KH HD... >
  3. I know but I still would like to know what you meant by her 'pulling an Eraqus'? Like what could she do to do that?
  4. What do you mean, like try to kill someone? ??
  5. No, they don't. There is a pretty distinct difference. Play a scene from youtube with Mickey in KH 2 then one from one of the newer ones. You can obviously tell it's two different people. It's not drastic or extremely noticeable, but it's obviously different when listened to. The original was a 'tad' bit deeper sounding.
  6. Yeah I can't wait to see what's in store for the new saga through the secret ending either, but I'm still more looking forward to see what actually happens in the fight and how everyone comes back in the game itself. Hopefully we can make sense out of the secret ending and it's not extremely vague like KH1 and 2s, though.
  7. Oh yeah I heard something along those lines too but technology is good.
  8. They would NOT change original Sora's voice, what are you talking about? I literally guarantee 100% they won't do that. It wouldn't even BE the same game.
  9. They could VERY easily do it, or they wouldn't have even made the poll in the first place. There is TOOONS of music in the series...First you have a song for every single world, every single battle music for each of those worlds, all of the theme songs, menu screens, Utada Hikaru's KH songs, every single boss battle song in the series (LOTS of those)...There's also the huge amount of Gummi songs. That's easily 150 songs+. It's probably a few hours worth of music. Especially if they wait until after KH 3 to do it, so it's the whole saga. There's definitely going to be between 50-100 new songs introduced. That is by FAR enough to be a cohesive game. Trust me, it'll sell.
  10. Yeah I'm almost certain that'll happen as well, but just gotta wait out the 3 (4? ) YEARS to actually know...*sigh*
  11. MX is going to be so intimidating to fight, as it will FINALLY be the real deal of the whole saga... ._. ...I'm going to be all "...Oh shit!!" and expect to get my ass handed to me a few times, lol.
  12. Since a "happy" ending to the saga is pretty much expected, maybe Nomura will give it a really sad surprise twist. While Xehanort will be dead, others on the good side might be too, as a result of the war. Nomura LOVES to rip your heart out, lmao. I wouldn't be surprised. D: It'd be intense. It'll probably be cliche though with everyone alive at the end. But who knows. Only Nomura...>
  13. KH1. Beat it about 2 years or so after it came out, then KH2 was right around the corner after that. I have played every English installment since. It's good to be a KH veteran!
  14. Oh gotchya. Hopefully it's on the PS3 though, that way it'll be extremely cheap for the people who don't have one by then, plus I'd hate to have to rush and buy the PS4 and blow a crap ton of money before I could really afford it lol. But I'll be FORCED to with KH3... I think a looot of people will know about it by then, because so many new people are going to join the series with these Remixes coming out, and pretty much all of those new people will be interested in the huge upcoming finale after they have played 1.5 and 2.5 That's not even counting the millions of people who are already going to get it, so I'd say they're pretty good in that aspect. These forums are going to explode, lol. I'm expecting the fanbase to be much bigger by then, and the series will be "alive" again.
  15. Oh yeah, my bad. Hmm...Yeah I'm sure he should be fine then either way. Can't be the hero of the series if ya suck. ;] lol Yeah and he was awesome before Roxas even existed regardless.
  16. I literally guarantee that the PS4 will have amazing exclusives, so TRUST me, you will get your money's worth for the system anyways...
  17. No...It would make WAY more sense to say Sora would lose half his power once VEN leaves him. I'm pretty dang certain Ven has a huge influence over Sora, because he's the reason he can weild the Keyblade.
  18. Eh, I disagree. I found DDD (along with maaany other people) to be the hardest game so far even with the best dream eaters...
  19. It's Kingdom Hearts three. It's going to be amazing, as they've shown their true potential in Deep Dive for instance. Nomura is a genius, he's going to make it awesome, trust me lol.
  20. Yeah it'll probably be announced a little before E3 then shown off there.
  21. The armor is basically useless anyways because Xehanort kicked their ASS even with the armor on lol.
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