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Everything posted by King.Mickey

  1. Once it gets released in Japan, I'll have to completely avoid anything KH related on the internet as to not get spoiled yet AGAIN by the douchebags screaming them everywhere I look. For DDD, just one simple comment on youtube ruined the entire game for me...But it's going to be impossibly hard to avoid this game. D: I think I'd be dead inside if KH 3 got spoiled...Opinions?
  2. Same as above, it'd be cool but it's just too expensive. Plus my car is breaking down and will cost me hundreds to fix. I probably was going to import but I definitely can't now which pisses me off so much. >
  3. Dude I can find you this girl you're looking for. Out of a contest made on Gaia Online, thousands entered and I'm pretty sure she won, if not on the top 3 best cosplays. She was EXACCCCTTLY KH 1 Kairi. I was like holy fck, this girl BETTER WIN. lolIt'll take a while to find it so bear with me...My goal is to hopefully have the link here by tomorrow since it's buried from like last year...
  4. Oh god...I'd sigh and wonder why Nomura would just blatantly copy Star Wars lmao.
  5. Oh yeah. It'd be SO BADASS if in KH 3, there's actually multiple huge storylines. Instead of just Sora. Sora's, Lea's, Kairi's, etc. I'm assuming it'll just be Sora again but there are so many possibilities.
  6. Since Versus will be finished by then, I think we'll see some KH 3 next year. Likely? I'd be surprised if they didn't, honestly. The day is nearing...
  7. True that KH 3 is near(ish...) but 2 years is still a LONG time. D:
  8. I know...It sucks that we might not get it on PS3. I really don't want to blow so much money on a PS4 right away. If it comes down to it, I might...lol
  9. lol that's what I thought too but I thought I read Nomura say in an interview that saga 2 is the final one. And another person that works with square said "I hope you enjoy KH for the next ten years." something along those lines...That's still hella though. Awesome.
  10. Just IMMAGINE how BEAUTIFUL the series is going to be on PS4. I can't WAIT to see what the future holds in store for this series, it's probably going to be utterly mindblowing.
  11. *SIGH...* Haley WAS FOURTEEN IN REAL LIFE when he recorded KH 1 Sora, so yes, he sounds EXACTLY like an fourteen year old in KH 1. Changing his original voice would be the WORST decision they would EVER make in the whole series existence. I, along with 99% of everyone else wants to experience the game how it originally was. His voice was unique back then. It's NOT going to happen.
  12. Versus isn't going to take ANY longer than 2 more years TOPS... I can pretty much guarantee we will see KH3 by 2015 or 16....Versus has already been in full development for 2 years dude. It's not going to take that long.
  13. Ah I didn't know you didn't have one already, but yeah that's a tough ass choice. PS4 or the best nostalgia immaginable lol. So glad I don't have to make a choice.
  14. Even if it doesn't, it'll still work on your PS3 since they're region free, but the extra cost to import would suck. Just buy a new PS3 down there, and sell it when you return. How hard is that?
  15. I'm hoping we can play as her some day. I bet he's going to let us, it only makes sense to have her as a playable character now. It would be stupid as hell not to take advantage of that.
  16. Yup time flies. Eventually we'll have KH 3 in our hands and not even believe the day had already come, haha.
  17. Bear with me, there is no "short" summary with this, lol. But this is basically what happens in KH 3D.Sora and Riku go to take the Mark of Mastery exam after KH 2. You find out that Young Xehanort followed them to their test in the dreamscape, and that his real plans for the Organization was to turn them all into Xehanort clones, and that the Nobodies all had hearts afterall and Xemnas lied to them so they could be cloned, in order for 7 lights (Mickey, Sora, Kairi, Riku, and no one knows the rest of them for sure) and 13 darknesses to fight and forge the true X-Blade. This is what will happen in KH 3.Back to DDD, Sora gets captured by Xehanort, thrown on a white throne and almost becomes the main vessel for him but Lea saves Sora in the nick of time out of nowhere. Shortly after, Riku escapes the dream world but Sora is still asleep from Xehanort in the real world, so Riku had to plunge back into Sora's dreams to save him.Since Sora didn't make it out on his own and had to be saved, only Riku earned the title of Keyblade Master. Lea gets a Keyblade too, and in the secret ending, you see Yen Sid had summoned someone to be one of the lights to fight with a Keyblade for the upcoming battle, it shows that it is Kairi, then the scene ends abruptly to create tons of hype. This is basically what KH 3 is going to be: Saving Aqua in the Realm of Darkness in order to save Ven in Castle Oblivion, and then an all out clash between these people will happen, Sora will fight Xehanort by himself in the end, and that's probably what saves Terra.I know I'm a HUGE nerd for the series, lol. Any more questions, just ask.
  18. It will. The whole entire new saga is probably going to be on the Vita and PS4.
  19. Isn't that what Vanitas is for? I know it's not the same thing exactly, but it'd be weird if there were two evil Sora's. That's why I kind of HATE Vanitas...
  20. Yeah the only summon that was EVER actually even useful was Tinkerbell. That was amazing to get healed non stop until you died, and even when you "died" she'd just bring you to full hp instead. I actually hope summons are in KH 3 just for Tink lol.
  21. Because they could easily just have it to where after Sora kills Xehanort, all was right in the universe until 10 years later...
  22. DAMN That's vivid as HELL...I bet you were pissed when you woke up to find it wasn't real, haha!
  23. How would that not make sense? They're going to grow up anyways, what WOULDN'T make sense if they just stayed the same age forever because they in fact, do age. It'd just be cool to see what they do when they're at said age. But yeah them being young still works too like I said.
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