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Everything posted by King.Mickey

  1. Lol I'm sure that was just shown to show what the heartless do to most people they come across, and they just didn't bother to show more people getting their hearts sucked out since it's irrelevant.
  2. Not to mention that if they did keep his current clothes, that's another two years to wait for KH 4, making it twelve years that we didn't see anything new at all, not counting DDD since he doesn't keep those clothes. That's a tad bit rediculous if you ask me. I don't know what you're talking about saying they keep changing it, because it'll have been more than a freakin decade since they have. :/But good thing I really like his KH 2 outfit anyways. It'll look even better in KH 3 graphics, saying he keeps them.
  3. Keep changing? Dude, by the time KH 3 comes out, it'll have been almost 10 years that KH 2 Sora has had those clothes. That's a LOONG ass time.
  4. If there was a harder difficulty than lvl 1 Critical, literally no one would be able to beat it.
  5. Hell yeah. DDD's secret ending leads to a possibility that Kairi may have her own playable story in her journy to becoming a keyblade master, which would be AMAZING. And they BETTER take advantage of it...
  6. Should Sora get new clothes in KH 3? Since it's been so many years with his same KH 2 outfit, I kind of want to see something cool and fresh, especially since the graphics will be 10x better, and it'd give the game a more 'epic' feel for the final game, imo. Though his KH 2 othes are already cool, so I wouldn't really mind if Nomura's just going to wait for the next saga.
  7. I started on Standard with KH 1...Played Standard on KH 2 then beat it on proud, beat 358/2 Days on standard because Proud is fcking impossible, Re: Coded with all of the difficulties besides easy throughout the game, BBS I beat on Proud, and DDD I beat on Proud. Gonna start KH 3 on Proud as well. After KH 2 I kinda stuck with Proud.
  8. It's the PS THREE....Not two...We've had the technology for 7 years.
  9. I kinda hoped that...But then the Xehanort saga wouldn't be ending with KH 3, so there's pretty much a guaranteed happy(ish) ending.Xehanort will fall, but other lights may, as well.
  10. It doesn't. That's actually wrong. There's absolutely no English voice option in 1.5 ReMix.
  11. Yeah even though it won't happen, it'd be awesome to play KH 1 in Sora's KH 2 clothes lol.
  12. Wow I'm moving to Florida in June. Perfect timing! : D
  13. Definitely. Since I have a Vita, I'm hoping they put the series on it some way or another, like letting us play the HD collections on it or something at least.
  14. You don't know that as a 100% fact that they won't make it on the PS3.
  15. My theory is that it'll just be put on the PS3, and the next saga will be put on the PS4, since they've never done a dual platform release before. But only time will tell I guess.
  16. You could also look up the cutscenes on YouTube....But it'd probably take a week or so to get completely caught up unless you spend the whole day watching lol.
  17. I'll probably beat the main game WAY over 12 times anyways, so I'm not worried at all, LOL.
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