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Everything posted by King.Mickey

  1. NICE. The cover is awesome!! Edit: Grrrrr...I wanted your username...lol
  2. I'm confused with this early access code...The Gamestop employee didn't explain it to me. How do I access the game without having the disc? Will it let me download it off of the PSN or something?
  3. Well all we can do is speculate and guess for now. I can't wait for the first actual trailer we're going to get for it, which is most likely coming at next year's E3. Hopefully.
  4. Right. If Black Cauldron isn't in KH 3 I'll be pissed...Though I probably shouldn't get my hopes up. :/But Nomura did say we'd be surprised with the world selections so he better be right.
  5. I want to be able to equip an Org. cloak AND armor at will, earned throughout the game. That would be fcking awesome.
  6. Flipping retard asking WAY too many questions about Final Fantasy rather than KH 3......Wow.
  7. Time travel. It worked with Xemnas and Ansem SoD so it would work with Vanitas.
  8. If Sam Witwicky isn't a darkness it would RUIN the series.
  9. lol I hope it doesn't happen because of the Johnny Depp clone...
  10. lol Sora would be like "haven't we met before...? Hmm..."
  11. Had the same problem once; it fixes when you clear cookies and data.
  12. Yeah I seriously hope we get a sneak peek at 3 in 2.5, I'll be pissed if we had to wait even longer than that to get one, because even 2.5 alone feels like a lifetime away... We can only hope for such things...Nomura is usually VERY good at keeping information from us as long as humanly possible...It sure is possible, but my guess is we'll only get a peek at the XV sequel and nothing else, since it's...Nomura. I doubt we'll even get anything in 2.5, as even that would surprise me.
  13. Eh...This is cool I guess but it's cheap crappy plastic instead of an awesome matte finish...It's much better to just use a site that makes much higher quality cases you can completely customize with your own images and your own case style, which would protect the phone better anyways. There's also a ton of cooler looking KH images you can choose from. The link is broken. "The page you requested was not found."
  14. Saying the XV sequel comes out before KH 3 does which is next to impossible, unless they were developing both games side by side this whole time. KH 3 is assumed to be a 2015 release because of the one game per-year promise, so it'd be very surprising if they came out with the sequel to XV before that...
  15. Too bad we still have to wait an entire fourth of what we already waited since 2006...
  16. Holy shit, I never noticed any of this, good points. Now I'm even MORE eager to find out what happens in KH3. This game is going to be legendary.
  17. My theory: Zack gets his date! And it'll be hella funny.
  18. Yeah I'm crossing my fingers hard that Zack Cloud and Sephiroth make a return...
  19. THIS.But we're in luck because Nomura confirmed that every single Disney world will be a brand new one. : P
  20. I'll probably be gone the next few days since I'm moving, but I feel like the spot I stopped at is pretty good and wouldn't really mess anything up.
  21. You don't really need a confirmation to have the common sense to know for a complete fact and not just assume a character will be in a game. I'm sure they made 3D's secret ending for no reason and gave Lea a Keyblade for nothing. You're right, they'll probably just forget all about that.
  22. For real....Sora went through hell. My theory is that he'll be named Keyblade Master after he kills Xehanort and saves everyone. It makes sense.
  23. To soothe your anticipation: We're going to still have to wait for two entire years or more until we can play it, so I'd get used to the thought...lol
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