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About Squidcannon

  • Birthday 09/03/1998

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  • Member Title
    I'm Scruffy....the janitor
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  1. Tornado warning issued for my area.Kinda scared.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. venxas24


      The weather's so crazy nowadays

    3. Squidcannon


      It is. My state has very bipolar weather

    4. venxas24


      Its been 50 degrees for the past 3 days for me and I guess the warm weather made it raina nd then its supposed to be really cold again for the next couple day so all the rain's going to freeze and its gonna suck

  2. Got a lot of Ted Cruz Crap also got a Facebook, youtube, and hey KH13!
  3. I did these in Gimp(sorry boring background) and i did this one in Paint.
  4. To be honest I love them all because of all of their unique personality and abilities. Though Saix is my favorite.
  5. I love the story line of days and i love the character Xion. I just didn't like the panel system ithad.
  6. That irritating moment when you get all A's and one B that is one point away from being an A.

    1. Oishii


      What a horrible teacher. They couldn't round it up since it was so close?

    2. Squidcannon


      No. I don't think teachers are aware what their students are making in other classes.Plus that class was a struggle to keep my grade up in(GEOMETRY!!!)

  7. YES MARCHING BAND! Any love for colorguard??
  8. Will we be bored in boredom club?
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