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Everything posted by Tetsujin

  1. They already said there won't be a trailer or secret ending of any sort.
  2. If it comes to the rest of the world...- collecting trophies - finally having the Final Mix additions - finally playing the CoM remake
  3. Were they? I honestly can't remember...
  4. Most likely they're just going to upscale the intros and crop them to fit widescreen (I'd prefer retaining the original 4:3 aspect ratio and not cropping anything though).
  5. It uses standard DVDs. Which resolution it supports is dependent on the platform and its output capabilities, not the storage medium. You could put an HD video on a DVD or even a CD-ROM. It would just have to be very short due to size limitations. Most PS3 games would still fit comfortably on DVDs actually, the few that don't often go overboard with high-def video or audio files (FFXIII, MGS4). The Xbox360 did have an HD-DVD add-on drive for movies, but this has been discontinued for obvious reasons.
  6. Seeing as Lucasfilm makes Star Wars and The Avengers was made by Marvel Studios...no, it's not the very same people. The companies are being bought, that doesn't mean they dissolve into one fused Disney team or anything like that.
  7. It would indeed. They're porting over the Final Mix version. If they decided to give us only the original in HD that would mean: a ) Port over the original. Lots of effort, they'd have to go through the whole process again, would take lots of time. b ) Use the Final Mix release, but remove the actual Final Mix content. Also lots of effort since it's not like a movie where you just cut out a few scenes and be done with it. Final Mix uses recolored enemy models with rebalanced stats iirc so you'd have to exchange all the recolored ones for the old models, set back the stats to default, remove extra weapons, extra dialogue, extra cutscenes and then check if the game still works as intended and your tampering didn't cause any bugs etc.; meaning play through the game, do additional bugfixing and so on... That's a LOT of effort just to NOT give us something. If they went through that much effort just to spite us, that'd in fact be the final straw for me. Moreso than not releasing the HD collection at all. So yeah, there are only two ways I can see this happening: Either we get it, and it is the Final Mix release - or we get nothing at all.
  8. That is not proof. It's just a hint. I think it's rather silly to assume this is a definitive confirmation.
  9. Europe would like to mention the absence of Re:CoM... Had it mentioned a couple times before, but they're not completely remade whatsoever. It's the same games just in higher resolution with a few improvements here and there (using updated character models from KH3D for example). I remain skeptical about a release. People kept hoping for the Final Mix releases. Everytime people brought up very sound and reasonable points as to why it would only make sense to release them outside of Japan. "There's loads more content", "It's almost like a new game", "They would make more money, the fanbase here is huge and people would be willing to buy it" Nothing happened. Then when the next Final Mix came, it was basically "oh, but they're gonna release it THIS time. This time, it's even better" "There's even more" "It comes with a remake of CoM" "It wouldn't make sense not to release it this time" Basically everyone always comes up with good reasons for why it would *definitely* be released this time, and why it wasn't the last time. It just keeps repeating itself. I'm not saying it won't come out. But people shouldn't get their hopes up. Would it make sense for them to release it? Yes. Does Square-Enix make sense lately? F*ck no.
  10. The PSN version is exactly the same as the PS1 version, as all PS1 games released on PSN are. HDTV doesn't make a difference whatsoever since they retain the low PS1 resolutions. The PC version has always had a higher resolution, natch.
  11. I mean, the term is basically self-explanatory. Remake means, it's being made again. You'd make a new version of an older game, and you'd start from scratch. Build it from the ground up again. Examples: The Resident Evil 1 or MGS1 remakes for the Gamecube. The HD collections and re-releases are ports. Porting in gaming means, converting a game to run on a platform other than the one it was originally designed for. That can happen for consoles of the same generation or as is the case for the HD collections, converting games from the last generation to run on current gen platforms. It's still the same game, just converted. Maybe even with a few upgrades, remastered textures (as is the case for KH HD), but still the same game.
  12. We're talking about uprezzed PS2 games here. There'd be no difference between a PS3 and Xbox360 version.
  13. Yes it is. No it isn't. Two minor ones. Only for the Japanese version and only for cases such as Sephiroth, who had no spoken lines in Japanese prior.
  14. They're not changing gameplay in KH1. They changed two minor things, camera controls to the right analog stick and the fourth command slot replaced by the triangle command, that is all.
  15. I quote myself: They're not remaking the game, just porting it to a different platform. It's like a multiplatform release. You have it for the 3DS, you can play it on the go; you have it for PS3, you can play it on the big screen. I don't see how it's a waste of time and money whatsoever. Also, 'have', not 'of'.
  16. Except of course, the entire game will be in Japanese, which is why people want an international release in the first place.
  17. The PS3 does support 3D. Sure, it's only good for people who have a 3D tv but still. They could just work around that. It wouldn't be too much effort to replace those things with something that works better for a home console.
  18. Yeah, so...two minor gameplay changes to make things more convenient, as I said before.
  19. The only thing they changed is replacing the fourth command slot in KH1 with the triangle command and altering camera controls to those of KH2.
  20. Which is cool and all but hardly going "beyond" a remaster. It's simply called "not half-assing it". The gameplay changes are also minimal, mind you.
  21. I'm aware of the remade Days cutscenes. On the other hand, the gameplay portion is scrapped. So it's neither a remake or remaster of a game, because it's not a game at all. KH1 and CoM are remastered games. The fact they put some effort into that is precisely why it *is* a remaster and not what I'd call a half-assed port (which is what a lot of the so-called "HD remasters" often are).
  22. Not remade, ported. PSP games like Ghost of Sparta and MGS Peace Walker were ported over to PS3 less than a year after the initial release. So why not 3D?
  23. A remake is when you literally remake it from scratch. Adding stuff to a game does not make it a remake, nor does porting it to an HD console. Also, where did they ever add 2 hours of cutscenes?
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