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Everything posted by DarkLoboXIII

  1. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UfCV1bVOiGc A tread must die with music, but I don't think is dead....yet hahahahah
  2. I tried, now I'm gonna join the green army.
  3. I close this thread so that I, SLH win the game.
  4. I know you've heard this many times before, but, you're such an awesome artist!!!
  5. No, but whenever I am feeling sleepy I fight with myself to stay awake. I don't even know why.
  6. Not that I remember, but I was In some photos, people tagged me; without my permission >:[
  7. I'll try to help you, and I hope you the best before and after the transplant.
  8. And so it begins...

    1. Kirie


      begins what? (:

  9. Thank You so much Weiss ;; Thanks!!!! ...it's me, anyway Thank you. Technically my birthday is today at least where I live Thank you rob.
  10. I heard a *pop* where did that come from? O.O

  11. Woah He has skills. I'll ask Him to make the Swallow from Chrono Cross.
  12. Both of them are awesome but if I had to choose I'd definitely go for dogs Fixed
  13. Dark Impetus This was my ringtone until I lost my cellphone ):
  14. Banned for all the people who got notifications from this post
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