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About DarkLoboXIII

  • Birthday 01/12/1992

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  • Member Title
    I don't want to forget~
  • Gender
  1. a goodbye is at least not a forever bye, right?

    1. Zola


      I will have the rain as no one else has it, because somewhere out in the rain there's a wolf and a song. I will have rain that contains the very heart of music.

  2. I'm literally in love with this version of vector to the heavens, so beautiful... and the piano on the background sounds so amazing. I cannot get enough of her music!. They couldn't have chosen a better title for the album.
  3. why do u like rain.... I asked

    1. DarkLoboXIII


      And I shall answer you...I responded

    2. Naxanth Nightshade

      Naxanth Nightshade

      So what is the reason for the liking of rain...

  4. Daniel, I bring the News! not just any kind of news but the kind of news where you use THE at the beginning well take a look http://www.ffdistantworlds.com/tickets/mexico

    1. Daniel Black

      Daniel Black

      OH POR DIOS!!!! O:O

    2. DarkLoboXIII


      I KNOW RIGHT!!! there are still many tickets available asdfsadgsdgearhasdasdf

    3. Zola


      o~O Can I come?


  5. Dude, you should totally sell kitchens, that would scare the bots off.
  6. Enough expository banter!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DarkLoboXIII
    3. DarkLoboXIII


      Thanks by the way. Being Gilgamesh one of my all time favorite Final fantasy villains I had to do this xD.

    4. Shulk


      Might be a little late, but... GILGAMEEEESH.

  7. It's a Mystery...

    1. TheWayToDawn


      What's a Mystery?

    2. DarkLoboXIII


      This question, is a mystery...

    3. DarkLoboXIII


      And the answer, is a mystery...

  8. Hey, Daniel, happy birthday!!! Hope you had an awesome day.

  9. Too many emotions for one day. Night.

    1. Zola


      I'm really sorry, Lobo. I hope you have a good night. :[

    2. Xiro


      Guten nacht

    3. Varnish
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