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Everything posted by PikachukeybladeMaster

  1. Cloud or the Cid of Final Fantasy 7 Cid because I can be sarcastic, hard to get along with, and fancy myself good with technology Cloud because I'm stubborn, self reliant, depressed/depressing, and fancy myself good with a sword.
  2. Just Google 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire pokémon question' to find this travesty.
  3. FOOLISH BULBAPEDIA!! They must have hired that one guy from 'Who wants to be a millionaire' who took five minutes to figure out pikachu is primarily yellow.
  4. Cap'n, we just broke warp factor ten!
  5. I think the Kingdom Key-D plays by different rules. Whoever finds it, gets to use it.
  6. This is a heck of a lot better than the English signing for Atlantica in KH2
  7. A man who leaps through time could be taken in so many fun and creative directions. Who is responsible for the leaps? Is it all in his head, or real? Is it true time travel or hopping to parallel time streams? So many, many things you could do with it.
  8. To catch latias in my original sapphire game, I had a wobbuffet and a lot of hyper potions. I also had a very fast swellow using quick attack to lower latias' HP.
  9. I don't have most frequent typos, I have TYPOS OF THE WEEK! I'm not joking. One week I'm completely unable to type 'Control' properly and the next it'll be 'selfish'.
  10. And then the Cybermen and the daleks and the Weeping Angels and so on will follow! MUHAHAHA!!! But then we might have Dialga and Palkia to defend us!
  11. R.I.P old rare R.I.P any gaming companies bought up by microsoft
  12. They're turning Days into a movie in 1.5. So why not make the leap into Anime?
  13. I don't think things like Nayru's love can be applicable. We don't know how Sora's Magic and Link's Magic interact. For all we know, the keyblade could nullify Nayru's love and some of Sora's abilities might be nullified by the Master Sword. So if you do a Sora vs. Link scenario, you'd have to specify how their magic and stuff match up. In a straight up sword vs. sword with no active magics, Sora would kick Link's butt.
  14. No duh, Sherlock. It's for entertainment purposes. As such, I like it.
  15. I wish I had the time for something like this, cause it sounds epic! But I'm already playing a five month long game of D&D for a high school class and that keeps me busy as far as role playing goes.
  16. It's just as the topic says it is. This is a threat where anyone and everyone can shamelessly self advertise their videos/fanfictions/whatevers. My choice for shamelessly self advertising is the latest chapter of my fanfiction called Dimension Travelers 1: Pokémon World. You will all be horribly lost, but I felt that this was one of my better pieces of writing and thought I should share it with as many people as possible. It can be found in the attached document. Heartwarmings and Tears.docx If you decided to start from the beginning of this story, just google the title and click the link for fanfiction . net as that contains the first portion of chapters. The rest are on my blog. Also, please note that I started this three years ago and haven't had the chance to edit so the first chapters suck in grammar and spelling. Fair warning.
  17. In America, Chuck Norris is badass. In Soviet Russia, Chuck Norris is also badass. In America, you eat vegetables. In Soviet Russia, vegetables eat you!
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