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Everything posted by Oblivion21

  1. I wouldn't mind him being in the game but there's no way he's gonna replace Goofy.
  2. Either Sazh, Fang, or Noel. Lightning seems to become more shallow as each game comes out, and I found Snow, Serah, Hope, and Vanille all annoying (though Vanille was a bit more bearable than the rest since there was a reason she acted so energetic).
  3. ...Exactly. You can dislike the game for its characters and story, not only linear gameplay.
  4. I truly despise horror games. If the game is too scary, I'll throw down the controller and forget about the game. I'm a sissy, lol
  5. Nah, not a Pokemon fan. Probably gonna get Beyond: Two Souls instead.
  6. I never said they would say when is the release date.
  7. At least they have a date set for revealing Versus.
  8. Bleh I'm addicted to Peeps

  9. I'm gonna take a wild gander here and say that you're not understanding the point I'm making.
  10. Well then, Photoshop can explain the reason why it's brighter and clearer, and the replacement of model can explain the textures.
  11. Okay, then maybe SE is anti-aliasing the picture instead of using Photoshop. But for the Riku image, Photoshop could be the reason the photo looks brighter and clearer than in-game.
  12. Well jeez, I don't know,they've done that before in games such as LR: FFXIII. If you compare the screenshots to in-game, the screenshots look better. And it's not like Lightning has a high-res model that they don't use in-game.
  13. I mean Photoshop the image of how it looks in-game.
  14. I don't know, Kurt Zisa becomes much easier once you get a strategy and fall into a routine of doing so. Phantom, on the other hand, moved around wayy too much and required me to use magic, something I wasn't very good at. And...I'm not gonna get started on good ol' Sephy.
  15. They probably Photoshopped the picture to make it look better.
  16. It's called Photoshop dude.
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