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Everything posted by LibertaerGER

  1. Yeah, I love KH storywise and the gamplay is both, challenging and fun. Not mentioned the sweet chicks.
  2. You are absolutely right. They have a bunch of high exclusive titles for the NDS 3DS and GBA. Region lock is a no-go Nintendo messed up real good. Cheaper than buying diffrent platforms to play the important titles of the series.
  3. It is great if you play the FFX-2 international + last mission version. 100% first time is a nightmare I guess. I usually don't by crappy games. Nope, I love Shooter like farcry 2 Manhunt 1 & 2, Condemned, Left4dead, too. The same japan RPG fanboy who deems Shooter fans fools for calling KH a kids game calls Shooter blood and gore nonesense. Which means they could'NT even comprehend what the fuss is all about 'em.
  4. He doesn't give a shit because it doesn't bother him. As he said, it is just a formal act to him, so he doesn't care. Other than Terra, he practised probably years for that kinda graduation.
  5. I thought Disney games weren't good as they could and then cam Square Soft up with these idea of mixing things up. :huh:
  6. Disney Island. The Disney feeling and the tricky games, yeah, that was fun and pain in the ass at the same time.
  7. She'd remember Sora and asked him overwelmed by happiness if he remember her. Then ask him about Ven, Terra and so on. Get off your stick, this is by no standards off topic and even if it would end up there, non of your business. Smexy smacks? I just like cornflakes. Sora is deep hearted but not exactly deep, a straight forward nice guy. Not exactly a joker but it turns out, a deep hearted joke would be great.
  8. Who cares, Pal is not my pal and I am from europe. Which title was bigger than Kingdom Hearts for Disney anyway?
  9. Thanks to some die hard fan programmers. KH 1 FM could be hard to translate cuz it is driven by pictures. You mean the homebrewed Terra-Xehanort made by Master Xehanort.
  10. Yep, you cannot say someone possessed them to do this and making Final Mixes a japan only thing. But the menu and textboxes are still in japanese, so if you don't get along with it, you are screwed.
  11. Yeah, that's about 30 Euros, a typical prize tag for re-releases. Order it from Fromjapan.co.jp and you save big bucks, cause it is only retail prize not sale prize.
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