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Everything posted by peronmls

  1. No. They don't even show affection towards each other. Besides maybe a little kid crush in kh1. Would totally kill the mood for me if they did.
  2. It was CGI. Anyway what do you expect? It jumped a whole gen. It kinda reminded me of cell shade actual which the last thing I want it to be. I do wish they went a bit to what final fantasy 13 looked like.
  3. You guys! The voices didn't sync because the mouthing was in Japanese. They just placed English voices over Japanese mouthing.
  4. This is perfectly normal. Not all devs kept the source code to games because they thought they would never need to mess with them again. You could always reverse engineer the game. But that would be unessasry for square because its the same devs remastering it and not a third party like blu point or ...hijixs... Anyway it should be fine for recom since the Osaka team made that for ps2. The only graphical thing I saw missing was sephiroth pillar flames. It's bloom or texture are missing and are just black with no glow. Here: http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-Kingdom-Hearts-1-5-HD-strange-screenshot
  5. Who cares if people abused it? It's fun and that all that matters.
  6. Im glad im not the only one that is nervous. Things I noticed different from 1 and 2 and CoM with osaka team. 1 Leveling is much more difficult 2 Combat was stiff and not fluent. Recoded fixed it. 3 Secret boss battles 1 hit KO with BASIC attack combos. (BBS Mysterious figure) I just hope they learned about how kh should be with remastering them. also im tired of commands. they need to go
  7. Man I have both the TWEWY for IOS and DS. But I can't get into them. Maybe the sequel will help.
  8. Kh2 never had framerate issues. I was really surprised it didn't. Only time I ever got it to lag is when I released Ragnarok in 2FM while Roxas was unleashing his salvation move.
  9. I thought it was first come first serve when you picked it up. There was no limited edition listed.
  10. They were pre rendered with the Japanese mouthing. They dubbed over it in English.
  11. I did see it on the NA square Enix store where the other OSTs are but it was just info on it with no price. I do remember that person saying it would release in NA.
  12. Do I own: Physical OST - yes Clothes/apparel - yes Games - duh Figures -yes Art books/manags - yes Posters - yes I hope I'm a fan!
  13. Guys this are shots takin from a PC when it was being ported. There are no edges because it's being rendered on PC with the highest graphics possible. These are shots of the game as it was being ported. It doesnt look as good becuase its at 1080/720p on console and there will be edges on the models.
  14. Those are PC renders of the game you can tell because there are no edges on the models. I dont mean like PCSX2 I mean it was taking while it was still being developed. Its not a bad thing it just wont look as good as that.
  15. The scenes arnt pre rendered anymore so it should be better.
  16. No he wasn't. He reall only had 1-3 word quotes. He had a pretty convincing grunt everytime you gave him powerfull wack. "Aaah!" In the sound files he has a ton more quotes that don't play in game that were long. He sounds very full of himself and also looks like it.
  17. This is a demo. The magic is just part of the demo so you can try out the magic. It's just a trial nothing else. Also the music is improved with some new and higher quality instruments. Destiny Island has a new melody instrument. "Busting on the beach" theme has an electric guitar added to the melody and the acoustic guitar harmony is much more noticable.
  18. You could hardly block in this game and trying to recover from an attack or recoil was a bitch. They combat was way to stiff. It was like crisis core. But it was ok for CS.
  19. Ultimate canon and maybe Ragnarok if it wasn't so dumbed down.
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