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About JoshArgentine

  • Birthday 04/03/1993

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  1. If Kairi gets out there and starts kicking butt, it will make me a very happy fan. Especially if Sora gets to fight with he and Riku as his companions, like he ~should~ be able to. ^.^ I'm still pretty frustrated by how little screen time she got in 3D though... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png* Heh sorry, I'm a diehard sora/kairi shipper
  2. Didn't Lea meet Ven in BBS? Also, Yen Sid IS a Master, even if he is retired, so he could have gotten the ability from him also. As for training, the keyblade is a highly magical weapon, so it makes some sense that Merlin would know a little about it. Or maybe he's just trying to learn magic other than his roid-rage fire spells.
  3. Eventually, hopefully, somebody will realize that darkness is a power just like the rest, that can be use for light (coughRikuCough). I mean look at TWTNW in kh2, where Riku kicked so much butt using things like dark aura. I agree that it was a bit unfair to skip Sora for the title of Master. On a side note, I hope "something" that sora ha to do has something to do with visiting Kairi, who was mysteriously absent from 3D.
  4. I don't think the worlds were small as such, but they were very underpopulated. That's pretty common in most of the kh games though.
  5. I never could beat sephiroth in the first game, but the second was easy with the right abilities and keyblade (I used decisive pumpkin along with the berserk ability). Kurt zisa... I barely remember. Phantom was all about magic, so he took forever to beat for me. Ice Titan is all about dodge roll and block. Sadly; I haven't even gone up against Julius yet.
  6. For Ansem SOD it was something along the lines of "not again...!" Lol. It was the only fight I needed two cure spells equipped to beat. Brutal, but quite satisfying to take him down yet again.
  7. Hah! This is awesome news! Also glad they're adding reaction commands in for the KHI redo. =D
  8. Just found this site, figured I'd check it out. So far I'm impressed.
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