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About TwiliLord

  • Birthday 01/02/1996

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  • Member Title
    I walk the road to Twili
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  1. My favorite alt. rock band. Huggggeeeee fan of them. Bought their Hybrid Theory, Meteora, Reanimation and Living Things CDs on 1st day. Looking forward to the new song in Sept. Chester has the voice of Jesus. Add that with Shinoda's rapping, you get God.
  2. Haha, yeah. My parents drilled all the grammar and language into me when I was a laddie. It's not Russian but it's very similar (I have a Russian friend and we talk to each other in our languages and we can understand each other) It's Serbian.
  3. Yeah, when KH III was announced. Heart attack nearly overtook me.
  4. Nope, had to learn it when I immigrated. English isn't a bad language (to know) but I don't see any reason to love it. It's a pretty complicated and sometimes odd language. I love my language because I love how cyrillic looks like on text (and I'm sure as hell glad I know it.) Волим да играм Кингдом Хеартс I mean, doesn't that just look awesome?
  5. Very nice sale going on for those who haven't bought it yet. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0053BCML6/ref=nosim/cheapassgam08-20
  6. Lol, Paula is up there for me as well. Yeah, the Magypsies... Can't help but wonder how Lucas must have felt around them... Awesome! And yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to M4 as well! The developers seem to be doing a great job of sticking to the series' roots.
  7. Lol. Lucas as well as Poo are my favorite characters. How about you? Haha, I don't have an account for either of those... but we can always chat I guess!
  8. I love the battle system; the idea that you can do bonus damage by keeping the beat in the background is so awesome. It really makes you appreciate the music more as well as the development that went into the game!
  9. I'm in. Been a fan of the series since 2002.
  10. Your favorite band/artist is completely erased from existence (including all their respective music.) Worth it?
  11. Was hoping for Smash Bros.... and I read a source that also listed these games, so there's a good chance these are the games. But who knows, Reggie hasn't announced them yet.
  12. Smash Bros. What more do we need to know about 1.5? Also looking forward to the PS4 and Pokemon X/Y. Final Fantasy is meh. I already have X and X-2 for PS2 and I stopped the XIII series with 2. (Versus might be worth getting though.)
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