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About BrianofElectricity

  • Birthday 12/02/1987

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  1. I was about 9 when I first played Kingdom Hearts 2. I saw the cover in my local Target and I said, "MOM, this game has Goofy on the cover, can we get it?" I ended up getting the game and when I put the disc in I was confused as fudge. I didn't know who or what Roxas, Riku, Traverse Town, The Keyhole, or Sora were. After finishing the game , I realized that there were 2 more games that I missed. I rented Kingdom Hearts 1 and Re:COM later when I was 11. I saw how much of a fun story this was. I decided to stick with the gang and have played every Kingdom Hearts since number 1. I remember that Kingdom Hearts 3D was the first Kingdom Hearts that I was really excited for. I waited for a whole year since the beta trailer and I finally got it. I finished it and unlocked my first ever secret ending. Kingdom Hearts is my FAVORITE series of all time and it always will be. I know that Sora's story is almost over, but whoever the next keyblade wielder is...........................he better kick ass.
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