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Everything posted by mbsmeg

  1. Thank you all for that bit of information. I can honestly agree that the Square Gummi ship is the most practically invulnerable ship I've ever made (though I did have to put in the 2nd life ability because I did get destroyed by the final gummi boss in the area). Thank you again.
  2. In my opinion, Kingdom Hearts 2 is relatively easy to work around without a full walkthrough. The only thing that is itching me is navigating through the gummi ship stages. A few years ago, I was able to complete all stages and their missions (medals, enemies and score), except for the most improbable one: The 3rd mission (score) for "Assault of the Dreadnaught". I want to know if anyone has gone through this level's mission on full S-rank, without losing their ship to the god-awful boss enemy at the end of the mission. And, if the have, could they possibly make a video clip or something of their prized gummi ship and its construction, please? Or, if failing that, can someone link me to a video clip, possibly on YouTube, which shows the completion of this level and mission? If someone could do this, it would really help me out a lot.
  3. Playing KH:3D is really difficult, particularly if you are on the train, during the day, with little screen lighting, no sound, and the bottom screen is scratched.

    1. Robbie the Wise
    2. mbsmeg


      I put emphasis on the playing environment. Other than that, it's ace.

  4. This will be a great mix. But I will be pissed off if this particular game does not get shipped into Australia.
  5. I'm not so sure about using cards to progress. Although, I guess it would be better than pressing keys to attack, especially if there would be any kind of lag.
  6. I thought he was relatively easy as well. How did you set about defeating him? Sorry, can't edit my post. I once thought he was hard, but now the battle is just time consuming.
  7. I found that Balloonra and Balloonga were not quick enough for me. How did you easily beat Ice Titan? I eventually had to look up a boss guide, but it took me 5 goes to finally beat the Ice Titan. I really don't like that in the original version of KH 1 (as in, not the Final Mix version), there were no items to obtain on defeat. Apart from experience, there was nothing of value. I know that in the Final Mix version you can get a Keychain for defeating Ice Titan as well as Sephiroth. For Ice Titan there is the Diamond Dust, and for Sephiroth there is the One Winged Angel. Wish I had the Final Mix (it never sold in Australia, and I am not going to search for an emulation or an overseas copy). I found that the bosses in KH:BBS were harder for one simple reason...
  8. I found that Sephiroth in KH1 was somewhat easier than in KH2. Just block, Superglide, and repeatedly use Strike Raid. And use Elixers instead of Curaga. Save your MP points for the quick moves. For Julius, it's simply a matter of mashing the X and A buttons, frequently use Flowmotion, and dodge as much as you can. I beat him with quick moves like Ars Arcanum and Dark Aura. There is no real strategy for beating him. And whoever said anything about Dream Eaters is wrong. Dream Eaters are not permitted in the fight. And why isn't anyone saying anything about the optional bosses Phantom, Kurt Zisa and Ice Titan from KH1? Kurt Zisa was hard, Phantom was almost a nightmare, and Ice Titan was practically a bitch to beat. I only beat him once in my lifetime.
  9. We seem to always frown upon any new pop sensation that comes out of our generation. Has anyone else noticed? Anyway... Let's move on.
  10. I think that Maleficent is beyond discussion. Her mind, though twisted, is too frail for Xehanort to consider of use. Secondly, she has no concern of the X-blade, or of Kingdom Hearts as the actual entity. Her focus is on ruling worlds, not the one heart to encompass them all. Third, and finally, she's a complete and total whack-job with a lumbering, bumbling oaf as an assistant. Power given to her will not last long. Almost amusing in a way...
  11. There's no point in concentrating on the alternate characters, to be honest. They're just fillers of screen and plot space. Although, the Sephiroth side quest in KH 1 and 2 did make for good experience and items.
  12. There have been 6 members of the real Organisation XIII revealed (if you include Master Xehanort, and not Sora).

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Col.Random


      lol, Droul.

      Also i'm expecting Narlee (XDDD larxene) and there's a lso a good chance that we might see vanitas

    3. mbsmeg


      I would've thought that the less emotional people would be placed in it. I didn't think Narlee would count.

      I also thought that Vanitas was part of Young Xehanort. Or was that moment in the Hunchback's world in KH:3D irrelevant?

    4. Col.Random


      it was kind of irrelevant, but no, YMX and Vanitas are not a part of each other

  13. At least they didn't have to put up guards when they returned. Dilan and Aeleus were guards before they went under.
  14. Well, Kingdom Hearts 3D did feature names at least. When you view the names that come up on the link portals, there are names of Final Fantasy characters. I suppose that they should have a few Final Fantasy characters in, even if they would only have a minor role. I bet there will be some new Final characters to come into the new Kingdom Hearts 3 game, once they finish their other project.
  15. I need to know the proper set-up of spirits to have all of the stat-booster abilities showing for the trophy to unlock. Assuming that I have all spirits and all abilities are unlocked for each one (A yellow ring is around all of them, signifying this), which combination of 3 spirits should I have to have all necessary stat-booster abilities showing? If someone can answer this clearly and punctually, without linking me to other websites, I would be really grateful.
  16. There are some instances where the separate link portals for Sora and Riku are switched. This means that the portals for Sora are unlocked by Riku, and vice versa. This happens depending on how you complete "The World That Never Was". Do not go to the real world version of the castle as Riku, until you beat Xemnas in Sora's dream world version of "The World That Never Was". If you beat Ansem, and then try to walk to the castle in the real world, Riku drops, and then it is switched to Sora. Then, if you continue the course of events and beat the game, the glitch seems to come into effect. If you want to test whether the glitch has come into effect or not, go through each map on "The Grid", and try to beat a special portal (not the boss portals) you have not completed yet. Then, look at the new portal entry in Reports. If it comes up as the wrong person, you know the glitch has happened.
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