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Everything posted by Columned-Munny

  1. I've got the PS3, 360, and Wii ready to go. The Gamecube, PS1, and PS2 await the day they'll be needed again, or sold. Three different GBA's and the GB Color sit useless while the DS's still see the light of day.
  2. I hope that the next saga is only on consoles, it gets spread out too much otherwise. And now that KHIII is multiplatform I doubt it'll go back to being an single-platform exclusive unless their developing it for the X1 sells so badly that it loses money somehow.
  3. I read on kotaku that the gameplay feels somewhat like Kingdom Hearts, so I'm definitely intrigued. This, combined with FFXV and KHIII makes it seem like Square is definitely starting to lean towards more and more action oriented battle systems, at least for these three upcoming games.
  4. At the end of DDD he has at least four separate people within his heart: Sora (Ventus{Vanitas}) + (Roxas{Xion}). Dude probably has some seriously clogged arteries at this point. He isn't the only one either. Didn't Terra absorb Eraqus's heart before being taken over by Xehanort? So it'd go like Master Xehanort (Terra{Eraqus})? Or maybe it's Master Xehanort (Terranort{Terra[Eraqus]})??!?! Or even Master Xehanort (Terranort{Terra[Eraqus<Eraqus's Old Master-Harry Potter*Voldemort's seventh Horcurx=snakes?!?=*->}]) ...I may've gotten out of hand there.
  5. Ah, I see what you mean. I doubt that'll change then, as the whole Vanitas/Ventus conflict is pretty central to the story.
  6. God I hope they bring back the capes. Loved the capes, they helped add to the "knight" feel of the keybladers. I don't remember the wording retcon you're referring to, could you jog my memory?
  7. ^^Dis.^^ Essentially it's a conflict between two entities struggling to determine who will control one body. PURELY SPECULATION TIME: I wonder if Sora had a tougher time with absorbing Roxas because Roxas had become his own person, as opposed to say Axel or Xigbar who essentially were Lea and Braig sans hearts. Lea didn't seem to have any trouble when he was recompleted. I don't really know, just something I was wondering about.
  8. This one isn't technically limited to celebrities, but it's still pretty insane. Something about people naming their child Khaleesi after Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones. Yeah...
  9. I never thought they were going to save everyone since the plot involved the sleeping worlds and Sora and Riku taking the Mark of Mastery exam, not searching for TAV or anyone else, just that they were going to be shown. I don't know how you infer those characters get "saved" just from seeing them once. Vanitas appearing wasn't a surprise because he was in one of the trailers. In fact, the only scene he was in at all was shown in the trailer! Having people feel like they should play a bigger role then not isn't actually a good thing either, though I'll grant you it's manipulative. I thought Red Eyes would have a connection to Vanitas given his description from the novels, not the Hunter in the Dark. (I personally believe that Vanitas was given Nightmare form while Sora slept in the same manner Riku was given Spirit form, hence the emblem on his back and Red Eyes being the only humanoid Nightmare.) Regardless of his origins, Red Eyes was one of the last bosses you fight, and there was no need to show him in a trailer at all; placing his image among the characters they did in the trailer implied he was someone of significance, and instead of having his appearance be a surprise or interesting turn, I was waiting throughout the whole game to see when he would show up. I should clarify my position; I don't mind if the trailers are misleading, but the previous one's were manipulative using spoilers or significant moments. Having those in my head while experiencing the game sapped some of the experience itself from me, and I don't think KHIII's trailers should do that.
  10. I've never really thought the trailers were misleading. If anything I felt like they gave too many hints. I knew way too much about BBS and DDD from the trailers; I mean, the first teaser for BBS was the game's climax! They need to do a better job of getting people excited for the game without using the most exciting parts of the game, weird as that sounds. I'm torn between wanting to avoid watching trailers for this game and having a desperate need to see more of KHIII the moment it becomes available. DDD's didn't spoil the overall plot, but it did show a lot of moments I would've liked to see unfold as they were happening, especially towards the end of the game. My hope is that they avoid showing anything from the last 50% of KHIII in the trailers.
  11. IGN makes my head hurt continuously. I usually avoid coverage of Kingdom Hearts on non-fansites because usually they aren't focused catering to my level of interest in the series, nor do they really care.
  12. lol, that was actually pretty funny. I agree with their assessment of E3; this was the E3 where we willed all the games we've always wanted into existence.
  13. The blue part is what sold me. Even if it's a coincidence it's pretty neat.
  14. PS3 fo'sho. Welllllllll...let's be real here. Square's track record of HD re-releases so far is pretty sparse. It's taken them longer than everyone expected to get around to 1.5, and they announced FFX HD almost two years ago now. I prefer they take their time and do them right, but they certainly don't rush these things out there.
  15. Went for the limited edition, cause why the heck not.
  16. My reaction would be numb relief from the intense, consuming fury I would feel against Square for waiting so long to release 2.5. Then I'd probably play the game.
  17. Of course it's a Rick Roll. Microsoft still doesn't have their messaging straight enough to admit a logical statement like that.
  18. Shout out to 1980's-something-spaceman! Those guys were my first minifigs. I'm intrigued by the style. I assumed a LEGO movie would be animated like the video games, it didn't even occur to me that they might go this direction. Looks good.
  19. Riku, Axel (narrowly), and Vanitas. I really would like it if Vanitas had a bigger role in KHIII. Just...just more Vanitas. All the time. Kingdom Hearts Vanitas: Return of Vanitas. Seriously though, I'd like to see him and Riku face off.
  20. I think I've got a 42'', but I can't remember. It'll be a heck of a lot bigger/better quality than the tv I first experience KH on, I'll tell you that!
  21. That "exclusive presentation" had better be 2.5....
  22. I'm throwing caution to the wind and saying 'yes'. Perhaps this is one of the ways Sora will be more "mature"; not necessarily grittier, but actually developing his relationship with Kairi beyond crying about seeing Riku in front of her.
  23. Welcome to the site, I hope you have a good time )
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