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Everything posted by kingdomhearts45

  1. Dang...The Roleplay section has been stationary for a while, huh?


    ...I might change that soon...

  2. Wooooooooooooooooow, I have not been here for a long while. 

    What's been going on?

  3. (I apologize for the long wait!) ~Neku Sakuraba: Narshe~ Neku looks at Bartz with the weirdest, confused look he could give him. Did he just say...Planet? He blinks twice at him and looks up, then back down at Bartz. "You're from another planet? Are you an alien or something? Or...Are you just high?" He asks. ~Jessica: Lunar Subterre~ Jessica had got off the airship before looking up and seeing that globe-shaped object in the sky. "Wow...What a beauty!" She said. She had then overheard on the comments Zidane and Chrono were making. "P-P-P....Planet? Space? THE MOON!?" She looks down at the surface she's on. The realization had just struck. "We're....WE'RE ON THE MOON!? THE BLOODY MOON!?! Th-This...This is insane!!" She exclaims out loud. ~Emeralda: Eden~ Emerlada nods. "We should keep going. Answers ahead. Maybe."
  4. (FINALLY I POST...Again. XD) Peach nods in agreement to the idea as well as Mario and Luigi (rather nervously.) Peach takes a deep breath. “Okay. I’m ready!” “Yeah!” The Bros. exclaim.
  5. (FINALLY! WE SHALL CONTINUE!) Peach looked behind her and held Tiki’s hand as well. She gave her a pleasent smile despite their current situation. Both Pit’s stone and Link’s sword touched firm ground as they walked forward. They continue this for the next few steps, until the invisible obsticle presented another challenge with only five regular steps away from the other side. There wasn’t a full space of ground anymore, but rather...A thin one. Like a tight rope. If Pit threw a stone, it would be wobbling from side to side before falling off and angering the grumbling monsters below. “Mama Mia...” Luigi exclaimed. “It looks like we’re going to have to keep our balance for this one.” Peach comments. “Does anyone have an idea of how we can accomplish this in a creative way?” Zelda said aloud.
  6. ~Neku Sakuraba: Narshe~ Neku shook his head no. “Nothing like it. At all.” He still wondered where he actually was being separated from his home city. But that begs the question. He turns to Bartz. “Speaking of which...Where are you from?” He asks.
  7. Emeralda looks up at Xing. “I remember...Walking with friends...Fei...Celebrating victory. Then...Light flashed. I faint. Then wake up there. I find you. That all...I remember.” She responds.
  8. ~Neku Sakuraba: Narshe~ Neku looks to the supposed mother. She looks rather worried. Frightened even. And it is not because of the shivering cold, but shivering fear so to speak. Neku looks back to Bartz. “Let’s find the kids. They can’t be too far.” He said. Neku puts his hands in his hoodies pockets and starts walking to the right.
  9. ~Neku Sakuraba: Narshe~ ”Focus...” Neku whispered. The keywords of people’s thoughts appeared like lightbulbs turning on. No signs of Noise floating around. “Safe” ”Chilly” ”Outdated” ”Work” Hmm...Nothing standing out... Neku chose to read the mind of a woman with the keyword “Safe”. “Thank goodness everything is alright! I thought I heard some ruckus earlier, but it doesn’t seem to be any conflict! Oh! But I still worry...My children are still out there playing...” Neku opens his eyes and looks to Bartz. He gives a little chuckle and a slight smirk. “It’s a little trick I use to get some information. Nothing too major, but some children are still outside of the town playing in the snow.” Neku points to the woman he read. “That woman might be the mother of them.”
  10. In Los Angelos, California, 2018 Today is the opening day for a brand new arcade building called Arty’s Arcade. All of the kids and teens in the neighborhood are excited out of their minds to see all the games available at their disposal. But disaster strikes in the arcade. Everything “Glitches” out of control and the children are transported into a world where video games of all kind reside. The kids are put into a life threatening event called “The Beta Games” where they are put into teams and paired up with video game characters (nicknamed Pixel Pals) to complete a variety of tasks to win a round, beat the final boss, and make it back home. But there might be more happening behind the scenes... Heyo! This is an idea that I have had for a while now and I want to see if it can work in a Roleplay format! A couple of things though. 1. Your Pixel Pal will be chosen based on a number of preferences I will reveal later. 2. I am still developing the “mechanics/rules” of this RP since this will be more complex than what I’ve done in the past. 3. You will all be children 10-18 for this roleplay. If you are interested in this or have any questions regarding this, please let me know!
  11. Does anyone remember Skyline by MDS? The Roleplay? Okay...


  12. Link’s sword would only touched air as the tip of the sword felt nothing. But Pit’s rock landed on the air with nothing below it. “Link’s sword did not interact with anything, yet the stone sits in the air. How mysterious...” Zelda states. “Hmm...” Toadsworth began stroking his beard in thought. “I have but a theory. Perhaps the bridge did not only crumble, but alternated pathways as well not seen by our eyes. Look here.” Toadsworth walked foward and moved his cane over the edge of the visible part of the bridge that broke off. “Nothing is here...” Toadsworth moved his cane a little farther. A tap on the surface can be heard echoing in the empty setting. “But something is here.”
  13. ~Neku Sakuraba: Narshe~ “Is that so?” Neku responded aloud. Maybe a scan can bring some light to all this... Neku puts his hands on his headphones and closes his eyes, focusing hard as he “Scans” the area to read peoples’ thoughts or find something hidden. ~Jessica Albert: Prima Vista(Now Flying!)~ Jessica nearly rolls her eyes at Zidane winking at her, then chuckles at the sight of his actions. “You remind me of a friend back in my world. He’s always acting as the flirtatious type, going after ‘beautiful’ woman and all that.” She says. Jessica comes up next to Chrono as he’s driving the ship. “You seem to have experience in driving this ‘Prima Vista’. Do you have these in your world as well?” She asks curiously. ~Emeralda: Eden~ Emeralda nods and walks towards Xing. She takes a look around the newfound location. “Very little here. Looks like...Passage. Entry way.” She touches the floor and glides her hand across the surface. “...Unknown technology.”
  14. I apologize for the lack of posts from me. College has been keeping me PRETTY busy for me. I should be able to possibly post later tonight or tomorrow. Again I apologize for the lack of ‘Phones’ content. XD
  15. ~Jessica Albert: Prima Vista~ After the sudden rise into the sky, Jessica tried to regain her balance and stand up straight. She was wobbling slightly back and forth not expecting any of the sort to happen. And then she looked out the window. Her eyes became wide and her jaw was lowered as far as it could go. "We-We're flying....This bloody ship is actually flying!" She rushed towards the window to see the clouds passing by and feeling the wind through her clothes and hair. "Woah...Amazing...I thought we were docked on water this whole time, but...A flying ship is beyond my wildest imagination! This is bloody incredible!" She turned around to face Zidane. "What do you call this ship? Does it hold a name?" She asks with curiousity. ~Emeralda: Eden~ Listening to Xing, Emeralda nods to him. "Yes. More we explore. More chances to find friends. More we learn about happenings." She answers.
  16. ~Neku Sakuraba: Narshe~ What does he mean by ‘Mimic’? Is that like a psyche or something? Neku thought listening to Bartz’ rambling. “I was actually hoping to get to the town. But if no one’s there, then we can take that mountain pass you were talking about.” He responded.
  17. ~Jessica: Prima Vista~ "A-A-A-Alright!" Jessica grabbed ahold the nearest object she could find that was sturdy. She made a look at Chrono as if he was crazy. "W-Wait...Did you say FLY!? A-A-A FLYING SHIP!?" She exclaimed.
  18. The stone Pit threw...It went onto the empty space. But...It stayed there. As if there was actual ground. But before anyone could comprehend it, Tiki began to take in the air and fly. Tiki: She would feel a tremendous increase in gravity. An intense weight pulling her downwards. She would be brought down,forcefully landing on the beginning half of the bridge with her head facing the dark abyss below with sounds of monsters. The stone Pit threw had fallen down to the bottom. ….And then the monsters' growling became louder. Maaaaaaaaaybe the stone hit one of them on the head...
  19. ~Neku Sakuraba: Narshe~ Dang...What kind of psyches does this guy have? Neku shakes his head out of the thought and focused his attention on the Goblins. From his pockets, he pulled out a lightning pin. He grins. "Perfect." Neku throws his hand forward and lightning emits from the palm of his hand, shocking the creatures in front of him. "And in case they're still moving..." The young boy forms a line of chains in front of the goblins as a sort of barrier. "There. If they should ever touch it, they'll get hurt anyways." Neku turns to Bartz. "C'mon. Let's get going."
  20. ~Jessica: Prima Vista~ “Another world...” Jessica began to think about the possibility. With everything that has happened so far, it’s not too farfetched from being true. When Chrono gave his offer to work together, Jessica smiles and nods. “Sure! It’s better than trotting around in an unknown land.” When Zidane pointed to that far away land, Jessica looks as well with curiousity. “Seems like a plausible place to get some answers...But walking’s going to be quite tiring. It’s not my first time adventuring, and if I know one thing, it’s that my feet will be aching by the time we get there...” Jessica looks at the distant crystal once more...And then she snaps her fingers with an idea intact. “Hang on! We’re on a bloody ship for crying out loud! If it’s still in good shape, why don’t we sail on over to our destination?” She suggests. ~Emeralda: Midgar~ Emeralda nods to Xing. “Agreed. Place barren.” She gets closer to Xing. “Lead way. I follow.” (Emeralda has joined Xing’s party!)
  21. “Yes, I was thinking the same thing...” Zelda says. “The flame ghost’s words still ring in my head...Peach? Any ideas? Peach?” Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toadsworth’s mouths would be jaw dropped. The look of disbelief and shock is very apparant on their faces. Their eyes would as wide as humany possible. “Um...Uh oh...” Zelda turns back to Link and Lute. “I think they’re in shock.” ”....WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!?” Toadsworth loudly exclaims. “WHA-WHA-WHA-WHAT IS THIS POPPYCOCK NONSENSE!? PRINCESS! ARE YOU OKAY!?” Peach snaps out of her shocked state. “O-Oh, um...Well...I-I-I knew that Tiki was a dragon...I-I just never thought she would be so...Well....Big.” She says. Mario and Luigi are just staring at the creature that used to be a little girl.
  22. ~Jessica: Prima Vista~ Jessica blinked twice before snapping back into reality. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before placing her hands on her hips. "What a bloody day..." She opens her eyes back to look at Zidane and Chrono. "Apologies for the rude first impression. Not the first time I've done one like it. My name is Jessica. Jessica Albert." Jessica's eyes wander around the stage. "And I don't know how, but I go to sleep one night next to my husband and next thing I know, I wake up in a room with a light-blue haired woman yapping on and on about me taking a beauty nap. Quite the scolder, really..." She faces Zidane and Chrono once again. "Anyways, with proper introductions out of the way...You said this ship isn't supposed to be here? Well, where is here?"
  23. ~Neku Sakuraba: Narshe~ Neku's eyes widen a bit. This guy had never heard of Shibuya at all. That's already a red flag. Something was definitely up. But what? This is all types of confusing...If this isn't a Game, then what could it be? And why do I still have my Player Pins... Damn. This is just as convoluted when I first entered the Game... "Goblins!" Neku heard Bartz cry out. "What? Goblins?" Neku turned around and saw the creatures. His eyes widened. "What the hell!? Those aren't Noise at all!" He exclaims. It's official. This is NOT a Game. It's something completely different. Once Bartz runs right past him, Neku quickly runs after him. "Hey! Wait! Don't think you can face them off on your own!" Soon, Neku's hand glows. His feet lifted only inches into the air. He was gliding across the snowy ground. I guess I don't need a Pact to use my powers. Not sure how that's going to affect my performance. Only one way to find out.
  24. ~Emeralda: Midgar~ The green haired woman looked behind her, facing the giant metallic structure with lights shining through the darkness. "No sign..." She says. Emeralda looks back at Xing, hearing his name. "Xing Long...Just Xing is fine." She nods. "I understand...Xing." Emeralda takes another look back at this unknown location. "This place...Not familiar to I. Unknown and different. I know not why...Or how I here." She faces Xing again. "But I meet you. Nice friend Xing. Mean no harm." Emeralda looks at her hand, then extends it to Xing. "Make deal. I with you until I find friends. Better together...Than alone." ~Jessica: Prima Vista~ Jessica tilts her head in confusion. "Somewhere else? Well, he'd better think about placing...Whatever this thing fully is in a spot he'd remember where there's someone on it!" Turning her head to face Zidane, Jessica notices something that catches her eye. "Hang on...Is that...A-A tail you got there? A real tail?" She asks in a concerned tone.
  25. Luigi is currently poking Lute on the cheek, seeing if she will wake up. Meanwhile, with the group seeing that the entrance to the castle undergrounds is opened (as soon as Lute wakes up and Pit is caught up), they venture into the unknown location... As they head further into the undergrounds, which is surprsingly lit up from the lights above, there is another torch that was once red, but has now turned purple. The bright violet eyes are present once more. “Look alive, fellow tresspassers...” Smoldergiest says in his ghostly tone. “Look well at this straight pathway.” The purple ghost is referring to the surprisingly simple stone bridge leading to the next platform. “Simple and sturdy it looks, yes?” Mario and Luigi nod at the spirit. ”That it does...And you would be FOOLED! Avert your eyes again.” As the group looks back at the bridge and suddenly...The middle section of the stone bridge is gone. Only the beginning half and the end half, but the majority of that stone bridge is gone. The Mario Bros., Peach, and Toadsworth all look surprised. “What-WHAT!?” Toadsworth exclaims. “It fell!” Peach exclaims. “Yes, yes indeed it fell! How to get across? Hmm. This solution is yours to find out. Ah. I must mention. This very bridge has...Limitations upon you. I leave it to you to find out yourselves...” The Smoldergiest fire turns back into red fire. The party now has a stone bridge that has the middle portion, which is the main part to cross over, gone. And down below...Are the familar sounds of some monsters. A few sound new. A little peculiar that you didn’t hear it crumble...
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