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Samuel Hernandez

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  1. You can't trade a Therian Forme Landarus. I have one from the Dream Radar, but when I tried to trade it before it wouldn't let me. It needs to be in it's Incarnate Forme to trade, and I have no idea if you can still get the item to switch it back and forth if you don't have it in it's Therian Forme
  2. Nope! Nope nope nope nope! Nooooppe! NOPE! Julius was honestly just thrown in there for fun, just like the Vanitas Sentiment in BBS. If he shows up later, SWEET. But he won't be to make Mickey a darkness or anything like that. Noooooope! NO!
  3. Sorry guys have been swamped. Think I'm done here, you can either kill off Lumiara or just have some take him over. Cheers!
  4. (Sorry been busy the last couple of days) "Well it seems Sky has their own party," remarked Lumiara, "it seems we are left with Ciel, although they seem very...disconnected right now. Perhaps it's best if we head on out right now." And with that Lumiara opened up a corridor to their destination.
  5. Lumiara hid his anger when the mysterious girl stepped in on the boy's behalf but perhaps it was for the better. He knew that the boy was ready to strike at any moment, and confrontation is not what he needed right now especially from another Keyblade wielder. He listened to what everyone else had to say and took note of each new face. Who knew how many of them would live to see the end of this war. When Even walked into the room, he was surprised that the scientist did not lash out on the spot, but one look from Ienzo told him why. The elder is still taking orders from the young. Some things never change. As Ienzo left the room with Xion, he made his way over to Dilin and asked, "So who do you think should accompany us?"
  6. In that case, Pete embraced the darkness himself and was gathering an army of Heartless for Maleficent. So yeah lol
  7. "¡ !" captain! ok that was corny. back to the RP now!
  8. What, need a tampon? All I see are periods
  9. Lumiara had been given his assignment, although he was resentful of the fact he needed to follow orders he knew it was better than the alternative. He was lucky to come back from his previous mistake. He walked over to Cody and asked Ienzo, "Shall I take the Keyblade wielder with me? Two sets of eyes are better than one," and he looked at Cody smirking, "and the boy could use some action." Truth is he needed to see how the Keyblade worked in person if he were able able to wield one. He had seen it in action in the hands of Sora, but that wasn't enough.
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