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Everything posted by Axarial

  1. I was being Patrick, so i guess it's kinda the same thing lolll LMAO! Idk when last i really watched sponge bob but this episode defiantly stuck to me!
  2. O.O I wasn't being serious, sorry Here's the video
  3. Come ooon, you know I wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, me wumbo! Wumbo, Wumboing, Wumbology, the study of Wumbo!? It's first grade gamerazor247!
  4. Siigh, yeah you're right http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png I wasn't going to be rude though, i would have smiled and waved but i just wouldn't have hung out with them is all. Haha, that did make me laugh so THANKS! I'm not sure about that though. If he has a new girlfriend i feel the need to slowly sever that connection because i don't wanna be hooked on a guy who just wants to be friends , One day i know we'll be friends though but now. Too soon. I would honestly rather him not bring her over at all but hey.... >3> I'm not even sure why i still have feelings for him, he's not worth it! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-neutral.png CURSE THESE FEMALE EMOTIONS OF MINE!
  5. I'm gonna try and sleep now but this Tropical storm's wind is really loud and annoying...

  6. I'm hungry.......

  7. So this guy i had a thing with over the summer and still feels pretty possessive over is bringing his new "girl thing" (not sure what to call her) really over today... What should i do? I'll be a lire if i said i wasn't horribly jealous and kinda hurt http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-neutral.png It's so funny, i don't care who he talks too once i never hear about her or see her and he gives me some form of attention at the end of the day.. it's pathetic. Any advice on how to get over this as well?
  8. ( -.-) ..Z Z Z z z z....

  9. Sigh... should have been Versus :C. I read that was cancelled though...oh well, life goes on. Man, they must really love Final Fantasy 13 though if this is a third game for the story.
  10. Lmao, i thought of that too when i played it. I guess the capes made the animation look cooler on the secret ending. Then in the game it was probably too much to render. Also they didn't really have capes during the whole game, i guess it was taken out mainly because the capes would have looked lame during game play, or like a little too much for them or hard to animate, idk. In conclusion: Capes.. Good for making the characters look epic for the secret ending. Bad for game play because they would have made the character look like an attention whore or over done.
  11. My first reaction: :mellow: I honestly didn't care. Now when Sora started to freak out and get all sad, that's when it upset me D: I hate seeing him sad, he's to good a character to be upset over anything! DX
  12. My world around me is changing and i'm powerless to stop it. I feel like Roxas D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kaorulight


      lol i do travis leaving soon and in 5days u will D:

    3. Axarial


      Life goes on, This had to happen one day D:

    4. kaorulight
  13. I never bothered with the ultimate keyblade, although my brother had it. Despite using Oblivion for the remainder of the game when i got it, i have to say my favorite keblade was Oathkeeper. I just wish it was as strong as Oblivion.
  14. Hmm, i'd have to say Roxas. Especially after playing 358/2 days.
  15. Living with an ex and watching him move on has got to be the hardest thing i've ever done in my life to date :|

    1. Uncle Dolan

      Uncle Dolan

      I know that feeling (although positions are swapped) :/

    2. Axarial


      It's sooo hard. Sigh...

    3. Uncle Dolan

      Uncle Dolan

      If you want to talk about it, then go ahead and message me. (I'd prefer private messaging or the IM bar thing below just for the sake of privacy)

  16. Alright then i guess it's settled! I'll get Coded! I'll play it when i'm done with 3d Thanks for the help guys!
  17. I hate living on an island because the SUMMERS ARE SO HOT. On the bright side, the Tropical Storm coming will bring in some cool rain! :D

  18. Is it worth it? I've played all the other KH games, BUT that one. I would see it in stores and attempt to buy it but i was told by someone that it's not worth the money and to just watch the cut scenes. But idk. What do you think? Should i but it, or just watch the cut scenes online? OR just not bother with it at all. Does it even contribute much to the story? i'm playing DDD right now and they mentioned Coded ONCE but that's it, lol.
  19. Just joined today. So far so good :)

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Axarial


      Someone told me about Ballonra/ga. I have no idea how to get them :| How do i? D:

    3. VanitasisKirby


      You can get them in treasure chests, or by using Link Points on a Dream Eater's Ability Board

    4. Oniaku


      You get it quick off of R&R seals ability board.

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