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Everything posted by OkashiraKenrex

  1. Hey,I guess it's there strong bond they share that they'll do anything for each other.
  2. STOP!!!!!!!!!!Xehxeh will NOT DIE,maybe he will change sides but maybe something will happen toka iri or other princeeses :unsure:
  3. Nice too know ur back safe and sound
  4. I forgot to check the design of the blade and luv lucky star and vexen/even stephen prince plays in it as random chara.
  5. Maybe I'm just overthinking it http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  6. Maybe he was getting out of the dream realm,Just saying not really thinking http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  7. :huh:So why does ven weild the keyblade backwards?Is it 'cause MX taught him.I would understand if he did because he weilds as xemnas one of is ethreal blades backwards and so does YMX as myserious fig.And both MX and Ven seem to use speed more,just saying
  8. .....................Thank u,I sorta forgot,still haven't got use to all the new knowledge i learnded in DDD,and pretty confused on who are all xehanorts vessels(I know the obivous)and why they r not counting eraqus as a 7 guardian.
  9. I don't see the prob. of lea being one of the 7 guard.He just is.Maybe he can weild it 'cause he touched vens wooden keyblade and it had some magic causing him to earn the ability and simply he had the makings
  10. Nomura probaly whats us to think that kh will go smoother,and get thraight to the point but probaly get another spin off or add another character who has a main part but complaiceded(spelt wrong) story/past :wacko:
  11. There should have been more nightmares.And I was really hgoping to go back to radiant garden or atleast destiny island/twilight t.Also I hope they add pocahanntas(spelt wrong)sword in the stone,and the black caldrent(spelt wrong againT-T)
  12. LOL,I was like going crazy with laughter when i saw the truck=).Thinking who would drive it.....................Xemnas?HAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!
  13. If they get to use aero , I hope it's like the one in 358/2 days and not like KH2.And I thought they where going to make a KH:BBS Volume 2 T-T I want more of Xehxeh=)
  14. So xemnas if i can recall it see's her as a blank face or xion.But he does see her as sora aswell
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