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Everything posted by OkashiraKenrex

  1. is bbs a good game to start the series croniconolgy(1st to last)then kh1,rechain and so on or first kh 1

    1. VanitasisKirby


      I would start the the game like that cB

    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      Yeah. But if you want to enjoy it the same way most of us did then you might want to play KH 1 first.

  2. Can u play a ps2 game on a ps3 sytem that is newer than the 1st generation work

  3. ...........?what r u talking about and luv your profile pic of shugo chara.
  4. how do i create a new topic?

    1. Weiss


      Go in a forum. There should be a create topic option in the top right.

    2. OkashiraKenrex



    3. SolarFlare12
  5. Y'know cuz september is the 9th month and today is the 13th of sep.
  6. WoW,now i hav to use that cuz it's demys month and today is demy/roxas.
  7. .......... LOLz so true and then demy would be using fire instead cuz ale be using liquad.
  8. Uuummm,Chibi sora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!also it could go as a new world something
  9. I luv xion too and think xion/roxas r made for eachother not namine/roxas.her story makes me cry.but hate it when she says u can't let xemnas have his way.....arg!!!!Luv kh in all and I'm a vocoloid/anime fan too.Fav voco is kamui gakapu.and plan on startning soul eater soon.So HI!!!!!!!
  10. Hey maybe FF crystal cronicles stuff might be added.
  11. Well MX memories were gone and he really didn't have his memo. at that momemont and was (ree-lie-ing)sorry cant spell it on the memories he made while being an apprentice.cuz both mx and terra r dormint and fighting mainly each other Subconsciously.
  12. Were did u learn how to draw T-T Teach me!!!!!!!!!
  13. Well,pour hayner,pence and olette.Maybe they can have a bigger role other than being roxas friends.
  14. yup,very true lunch at school some kids were talking about carrots,perverted doctors feeling u up and then needles and eyes.
  15. O.o strange conversations people can have online
  16. Well i do know there connected,'cause there could be a resaon xion has dark hair.................hhhhmmmm.
  17. sorry 4 above and no he didn't use it in bbs,his first time.in bbs he used weapons like xemnas but blue with handles and strangely looked like clock hands
  18. Wait did he use that in the bbs secret boss fight? I forgot.. he was A BIOTCH TO KILL in that
  19. Hhmmm,I would say way to dawn,kingdom key,skull noise and LUV YMX KeyBlade :wub: .I wish i could use it http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png
  20. Well all the others could be very true and MX does have Saix/isa who was bestfriends with lea/axel so they would be connected making lea conn. to MX since he give him a part of his heart and darkness.
  21. I say the more the merrier,they can keep adding more games/stories and characters and anything really.And in the end I'll STILL LOVE KH SERIES 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Each game has it's magic that no other could simple have and still be amazing with each new or even old things.the story can repeat but always in a diffirent yet special way with a new point of view. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png I AM IN LOVE WITH KH<JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT :wub:
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