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Everything posted by OkashiraKenrex

  1. look up on youtube How to make Matryoska hoodie uploaded by TheKiraNetwork
  2. Well maybe it should be more in the poll of the days and at least some kind of forum predicting more about it(sorry for those who don't understand the way i write T-T)and thats all i got.
  3. Will the KH13 staff be creating a section on the website for KH for PC Browsers, or will you be waiting for the official title?
  4. Really ur school will have a parade, my stupid school dumb stonewall doesn;t have a pareade.
  5. kinda sounds like my highschool and me execpt i'm not going to homecoming just wanta cosplay.
  6. It is a light dirty blonde(LOL don't even know if it's a real hair color http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png )
  7. Ummmm,Thank u so much.Didn't no if it would effect anyone though but ya and I'm kinda a baka at remebering more things(baka-fool,idiot in jap.)
  8. I think any that invole xehanort(all form/ages) by meantioning,seeing or reading about is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!That and so far is KH1,DDD and KH2
  9. Did u know that the Okashira part of my username is japanese for leader and i added an X to my name making Kenrex.Just saying cuz i'm such a crazed fan of xehanort all forms and age.plus i'm dye my hair silvery/whitish. P.S Don't add any mean comments if u don't care just skip this topic ppppllllllleeeeeeaaaassssssseeee.Good Day.....I SAY GOOD DAY!!!!(hehehe....fez)
  10. Ya cuz xion gets attacked around the hundreth days.........if u had asked me a year or two ago i could have answer any question on 358/2 days.
  11. YYYAAAYYYY!!!!!!I can't wait for it.I would luv 2.5 but it can't touch the first.And 358/2 will look sssoooo much better.I wonder if they're adding the final mixes scenes in english too?
  12. Ya,That would be one hot fuzzy piece of heaven...............................ok that was kind of weird.http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png
  13. ...Well,there was an empty space there and i think i know who can fill it.XEHANORT(all forms/age)
  15. Whoooh,Thank u,I didn't want get a report/warning or something,so many other people were so mean and rude the first time saying about these days and XIII members.
  16. .......?Really,I would if i knew if u meant it. I got no idea.........Just Luv KH!!!!!!
  17. Dance KH Fans Dance!!!!!Cuz today is Luxord and Demxy Day!!!!!!I would make cake but I'm not cut out for that kind of job.Anyways I lost my index card. P.S Again No pairing/yaoi,fluffy just teamates and comrads that #ranks happen to be today.And even if possible as friends (i know some of you guys/girls are sensitive)unless that was rude as well.
  18. I want j-pop groups/artist and any japanese music genres.I just have vocoloids and anime/videogames music.and i need to learn/get more.Also Luv LEDAPPLE!!!!!!And k-pop too though i have plenty groups but just pop and not other genres. P.S i think i'm asking for too much. :wacko:
  19. Well No,Just 14 days a month,andi'm stoping just until a get them each one time.But XEMY DAY SHOULD BE CELEBRATED EVERYTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub:
  20. Hockomonkey?.................................Well first off u should TRAIN and then get more dreameaters abilities.And study which fighting styles u r good at and how each enemy moves/fights and weak points.Also collect the treasures and just take ur time.(my way,not sure if it'll work)
  21. As if!!!!!!!!!!!!,Today is Luxord and Xigbar Day.YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!And wouldn't u like to know what i'm doing.I wager we're going to have a good day. P.S No pairing attended,No yaoi,just celebrating todays league of numbers
  22. I LUV IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Ya,i remember but neva really liked it.
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