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Everything posted by OkashiraKenrex

  1. too bad it has.but u know anything can't be clean forever.
  2. well someones jealous. M,kay but can't be doing all the work.
  3. But i can't decide to wear anything under my leather pants?luv black clothing,just needed to add WELL STOP TYPING AND LETS GET IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. sorry,hatok is with,y'know to busy to type
  5. totally!!!!!!!i'm even half cocksmasion,....?
  6. dpending if u can get me in the mood. sure but bring some toys,i get bored easily.
  7. so true,can i borrow your room? thank u!!!!!
  8. and plenty of sweat aswell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what is IKR stand for?
  9. larxene the witch...............M'KAY!!!!!!!!!
  10. so true but i already own but i could share............
  11. well i thought you knew,remeber u taught me it.
  12. sorry,T-T but your always remembered not lost(spelt wrong i know)
  13. ya,but i know a good technique of cooling someone off.
  14. And strawberries!!!!!!!!!!!!!with whipped cream.
  15. I don't know u tell me. Thank u,i know kh13 has a comedian=)
  16. UUUuummm?you know what i'm not good at describing it!!!!But lea showed me some!!!^X^
  17. You'll just fall into your abyss,douche!!!do not mean it.
  18. pheesh,lea ain't selfish,sharing is caring.^X^
  19. I kinda freaked you out there a bit, didn't I?
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