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Everything posted by OkashiraKenrex

  1. ?well at least ur not using a 3ds or psp.
  2. LOL THATS HILARIOUS!!!I got one "(stand next to person,eye them then say)How u doin"or say "Hi,I love you" Works every time.^x^
  3. also i go for kamui gakapu to sing it!!!!!!!!!!luv him.^X^
  4. I think its nice but one question what is ur signature?
  5. Can i be a brony or do i have to be a dude?

    1. OkashiraKenrex
    2. AntonioKHT


      You could even be a muffin, but we all know how brownies rock

    3. Amon



    4. Show next comments  66 more
  6. REALLY SEMPAI!!!!!!ME TOO,and i like nacho supremes from tacobell^X^
  7. ?????O.o,how can someone call eachother out?ur going on a date. DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!have not heard/read anything about u for a while,did u die?
  8. RRRRRHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So close,one of my latter guesses.
  9. how do u erase a facebook account?

    1. OkashiraKenrex


      no...........unless u are one

    2. Caity



      When you deactivate you can reactivate it at any time by logging in. That link is for a form to permanently delete it.

    3. OkashiraKenrex


      THANKS!!!!!!ur really helpful,i felt useless when my friend asked me but now i can do it!

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  10. THREE DAYS GRACE RIGHT!!!!!!!unless i'm wrong,but hey are you really married and if so...HOW CUTE!!!!!!!^X^
  11. HHHHmmmm,(looks at pillow case)A MARSHMELLOW!!!!!!
  12. NO!!!!!!NEVAAAA!!!!!!!!Can i call u my sempai flames?
  13. But don't let it get to ur head,it's a poetic excuselol,i crack myself up,i gotta start writing these down
  14. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!And i'm counting seasalt icecream,paopu fruit and wayfinder as my other fav. trio
  15. really lea?how do u come up with the perfect things to say.
  16. Say if i'm the only one who actually cries at kh and associates many real life actions/event/feelings and so on with kh.Or am i just obsessed.cuz i feel emotionally attached to it.
  17. hey can i count Vanitas,master xehanort,braig xemnas,xigbar,saix zexion,vexen,lexeaeus namine,rkiu,sora namine,riku,ansem the wise aerith,yuffie,leon?
  18. i go for: 99 times Dive to the heart Hit him as many times but have not played kh1 for about 4 years,saving the expirience for kh so it can be refreashed.
  19. Well mine are Xehanort/all ages,Xehanort/all noboidies,Xehanort/all heartless Riku,Kairi,sora cuz well riku started off as my fav. chara. and sora was well sora plus luv his hair,kairi had my fav. color and choker was cool but her past was real mysterious at the beginnig and she made the WAYFINDER!!!! Axel,Roxas,Xion cuz well they freakin made me cry throught the game and at this moment i'm trying to evode anything that has to do with the trio or else i'll cry.i kinda don't like xion cuz she specifically said for xemnas not to get kh :angry: but she is kind and selfless at times and truly wants to live.axels a duche(never spelt it before)for leaving saix.roxas was innocent and wanted pure happiness and would be happy just relaxing eating icecream http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png Terra,Aqua,Ventus where awesome but it has too much tragedy butven was funny and cool,terra was alright but aqua i feel a little to iffy,maybe i just can't decide with her but maybe if i see her more i could make a solid desigion later on(sorry for my spelling)
  20. I LUV IT ALL!!!!!!!DEMYX TOO,i luv music,poke,starwars,usa,zelda, and guns!!!!!!!!!
  21. I go for the latter one,Go Namine my fav. kh girl!!!
  22. ...uuummmm,more?i meant diff. songs but hey still cool.
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