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Everything posted by OkashiraKenrex

  1. OOHHH!!!SENPAI Ur such a know-it-all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats why i admire u!!!!!!!
  2. LOL,mines a pretty long list(some are similar with others) Kh-Xehanort(all form/ages) Sonic the h.-tails,shadow Eternal sonata-beat,jazz Pokemon-dawn,touko/hilda,N,ash Dead or alive-Kasume,ryu hayabusa Gears of war-carmine,pheonix(lol that how its spelt?) Mortal kombat-scorpian,subzero,ermac Halo-master chief,arvetar(lol,really do suck at spelling) It's late ,can't think of more at the moment...........
  3. I LOVE DEVIANART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I would like ur post but i reached my quota sadly................
  4. LOL,i have a senpai who is teaching me..........I truly suck but em trying!!!!!!!!!!
  5. O.o HOLY I'M GOING TO USE THIS FOR THE REST OF MY..til i get bored of it.......LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I can watch ur signature over and over!!it's kinda ironic if u look at my profile.................
  7. LOL,that was adorable!!!!!!!!!!U know sometimes i do feel like biting when i'm happy..........but thatz cuz i'm a vampire!!!!!
  8. MOVIE!!!!!!!!It's so touching and beautiful!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-1c2kJsxME
  9. O.o................u know i'm pretty much concerened about his health............is he getting help?
  10. ....How will the organization traveling scenes look like?Will they (weird i know)be wearing there coats to sleep in?And about the extra bonus diary entries......how'll they be potrayed?them showing the indivisual write it?or show what they are writing? So many questions....so little time HURRY UP SQUARE AND GIVE IT TO US!!!!!!!!!
  11. LOL,I LOVE marluxia's hair!! but xemy needs to be in it!!!!
  12. Well he knew kairi was safe but riku and his friendship and loyalty was tested and they're back again together. AAWW!!!SENPAI UR SO WISE!!!!!!!
  13. it is and i still haven't figured out how to use it....................

    1. OkashiraKenrex


      Why did i post this?how'd it come here?

    2. Gamerazor247


      I don't know... how did I get here and post this comment?

  14. That Gattaca is an awesome movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love it and cryed(cuz i get emotional easily)
  15. I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I'm just hoping she can redeem herself in KHIII,in khII she was well too............girly?i don't knoow she just appears that way but in kh she seems more into it...
  17. O.o dude,how'd u learn to group them like that?THATS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!My friend can only seperate them with lines making each one have there own box/shape thingy..............Lucky
  18. It was a pretty bad year,lots of sucky things happened.betrayel,lies,truth hopes being broken,new ones arising ,dreams crushed,new path opened.........how sad life can be and the people in it.
  19. UR WELCOME!!!!!!!!!And thankz for telling me the other part=)
  20. uummmmm................when they don't have subtitles when save points disappear umm and when bosses or enemies can turn invisible run out of missions............... don't give u the option to change clothing or at least something!!!!!! when u lose/die ur items or exp. leave u
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