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About KHKirkhouse

  • Birthday 10/05/1995

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Kairi Kirkhouse
  • Gender
  1. HI (Yes in Japanese. Well how you say it anyway )
  2. Usually female (When you can as there are a lot of games where you can only be a male character) because I;m a female and I make them to how I would prefer to look like teehee Also I can realte to them more
  3. I saw that when I first saw the episode. I screamed and my brother shouted at me. (I get excited when things I know are on the tv.)
  4. I will always prefer actually getting the copies. But the thing is if everything is going to be downloaded won't there be less jobs than there already are? I think downloads will only make thing worse not better for people. Also without money how would you even be able to get the game? Wonderingment.
  5. I've had this laptop since March this year. But, it's my school gave it to me. so it's really old and slow oh well, can't complain
  6. Okay I used to get called weird because I listen to K-Pop and now all of a sudden it's cool? Why must people be so mean?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kalnet


      Occasionally yeah. Not only that but, the worst thing is, my friend's friend pretends to like kpop just to get close to girls. So yeah, Be careful.

    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
    4. KHKirkhouse


      I won't let it get to me. People have always been like this to me, I died my hair red a few years ago and I got called an emo and then not long after a celebrity died their hair red and then all of a sudden it was cool. I've decided to just do my own thing because I don't want to follow the crowd. I think we should all just be ourselves :)


  7. I sort of know how you feel. I haven't really seen my Dad that much for about almost ten years now, and I am constantly trying to do things to get his approval. But recently I've figured that my Dad obviuosly doesn't care about me that much otherwise he would have talked to me, and he would let me just be me. It seems to me like your Dad is the same way. My advice (and I know that this is going to sound horrible) is to just get on with your life. It is not your father's to live. What you do is up to you and nobody else, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. I hope this helps and I'm sorry if it doesn't.
  8. I really think I'm going to have to do some saving up. I couldn't get BBS because I don't have a PSP. Couldn't get DDD no 3DS. Well the chances are KH3 is going to be on a completely new console or just PS3 which I also don't have. How long do you think it would take me to save up for all of this?
  9. Non because I don't even have a 3DS! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  10. I can't choose and I won't choose. They're all the same to me.
  11. Welcome back? I just cannot compare any of the Kingdom Hearts games. They're all the same to me .......................... EPIC!!!!
  12. Haley Joel Osment. Jesse McCartney David Gallagher Hayden Paneittiere Billy Zane I know they are all from Kingdom Hearts but.... come on...... They're awsome!!!! And Seth McFarlane ((I don't know If I spelt that right)) is amazingly good. It took me a while to figure out he did all those voices on Family Guy.
  13. I know this is random. But: Kingdom Hearts is more than just a game to me. It taught me that no matter how dark times are getting, to never lose ight of the light................................ Okay cheesy comment finished :)

  14. I have KH, KH2, and KH 258/2 days. I really want all of them, as I've loved the games since the beginning. But they are 1. Soooooooo difficult to find where I live and 2. I'm broke and always have been. So I'm really lucky to just have those three. I do think that KH is the best Game ever, so it's a shame.
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