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Epic KH Fan_13

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  1. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to supermegaroxas in FFXV VS KH 2.8 Cast   
    Oh hey
    it's riku vs riku, I didn't notice that
    or is it ignis vs ignis O.O

  2. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to User17k in These two things will end when KH3 is released   
    There are two things that will most certainly come to an end after KH3 is released:
    1) The Xehanort Saga
    2) The life of the IGN employee who reviews the game
  3. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 got a reaction from Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) in Official Leopardos Union Discussion- NA   
    Hi there
    My id is 31961
  4. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to ZeroKitteh in Firewatch   
    I just wanted to get the KH13 opinion on this game! I just finished it (I went on a 4 hour binge not moving from my desk and finished it in one sitting, I feel pathetic) and I absolutely loved it. The voice acting was great, the story was great, the characters were great,  the visual style was great- overall, I think it was very well done. At times it was a bit hard to follow, and of course the ending was kind of underwhelming but I don't really find much wrong with the game (at least for me).
    I loved the character development between Henry and Delilah- I knew from their first encounter I'd love them both as characters. And don't even get me started on that intro- my god.
    For anyone who hasn't played it, I recommend you go pick it up. $20 on all platforms.
    For those who have- what did you think of it? Who were your favorite characters, or what were your favorite moments? What do you think the game did really well? Where could it have been better? Other thoughts?
  5. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Gwynbleidd in The Trailer's release looks bleek   
    You can't perform 180° U-turns that easily, Square. You hyped it up so much this year, and then to turn around and claim that we shouldn't expect anything nor to trust a rumour; it just isn't fair
  6. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Sorarocks93 in The Trailer's release looks bleek   
    But that's how you change things. If you don't express your dissapointment they won't change. Standing by and being ok with them giving you the middle finger isn't going to do any good. Honestly the KH fanbase isn't the only fanbase that's doing this, every fanbase does it.
    Also this is nothing compared to what some other fanbases do, honestly I haven't seen a single cuss word in this entire thread. If anything this is pretty tame.
  7. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Sorarocks93 in The Trailer's release looks bleek   
    Wait what? Does that mean there won't be any trailers at all? Why the hell have they been hyping the whole thing for an year now? 
    No. It should've been them who should've known better than to hype D23 since freaking January when the whole thing would've been private....
  8. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Ven983 in Do you think the new Kingdom Hearts 3 and 2.8 trailers are going to be released to the public?   
    It would really hurt the series name for Nomura to hype up the world for D23 and only give a select few people the chance to see what he hyped up.  Even if they never intended to release it, they would have to now if they don't want to significantly piss off their fanbase.
    the 2.5 event was okay because they kept that trailer under wraps and treated it as a bonus, but when they tell the world to expect a new trailer, it would be very bad practice not to deliver.
  9. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Neku Sakuraba in How did this happen?   
    But the Lingering Will is kneeling and his keyblade is keeping him in place, so when the keyblade vanished for a moment, did he just fall on his face?
  10. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to HarLea Quinn in I'm confused...   
    At one point in 'KHII’, Ansem the Wise escapes from the Realm of Darkness. This time he has once again descended into the Realm of Darkness. At what point in time does this happen? After 'KHII’. When he stopped the Organization’s plans in 'KHII’, he was caught up in an explosion and blown into the Realm of Darkness. The line where he says, “How long has it been since I met him? At least a year now, perhaps more…” is referring to before 'he’ went to sleep–that is, it’s referring to the time of 'Chain of Memories’. It doesn’t mean this is one year after 'KHII’.
    At that point, it seems like Aqua has been lost for a long time. Yes. From when she comes to the Realm of Darkness to when she meets Ansem the Wise, over 10 years have passed in the outside world. The flow of time is different in the Realm of Darkness and the outside world, so it doesn’t feel like 10 years have passed. But there’s no mistaking that she’s been in the Realm of Darkness for quite a long time.
     Ansem the Wise comes across Aqua after KH2. He even tells her this is his second time upon those shores. ( First time being when he was cast there by the apprentices) He also tells her of the worlds almost falling to darkness more than once " Sad to say they nearly fell to darkness more than once but at every turn that boy arrived with keyblade at hand to save the day"
  11. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to HarLea Quinn in Why did Sora turn into a Shadow?   
    The strength of the heartless is determined by how much darkness is in your heart. Sora did not have a lot of darkness nor do most people.
  12. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Master Eraqus in Why did Sora turn into a Shadow?   
    Why a Shadow? Him turning into a Shadow shows that Sora didn't/doesn't have a lot of darkness in his heart.
  13. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to awesomeinmyworld in Kingdom Hearts 2's controls are terrible   
    What are you talking about with the command menu? What's this "having to use L2 and the right stick" thing? I always just used the D-pad. I had not idea that was even an option. Granted the second menu option was a little odd and a bit annoying if you accidentally switched to it mid battle, but I never found it slow or clunky. I will agree that waiting for MP charge after you Cure was annoying since it took all your MP and you would most likely need another spell in the wait time, but it just teaches you to learn when to cure. I'm not knocking the BBS command menu, I think it's well done, but I would NOT say or agree that KH2 has the worst controls. In my opinion, it's THE best control scheme of all the games. BUt to each their own.
    But seriously, could you elaborate on the L2 thing? I have NO idea what you're talking about.
  14. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Aqua7KH in Do you think KH3 will live up to the expectations of the community?   
    Me, I honestly think KH3 will definitely deliver. Obviously you can't satisfy EVERYONE, but I think it will be a very amazing game that will proudly stand in the KH series. Yes, the hype has been for so long but this hype is different. Nomura is throwing so many suprises and new content in the game that'll definitely delightfully suprise us. Plus, we've had the Remixes to play as well. When we were hyped befor KH3 was announced, we had no idea what was going to be in it. No idea for worlds and whatnot unlike other hyped games. Nomura has been leaving us little crumbs to follow to leave us hyped, but hungry for more. By announcing new things little by little (worlds, attraction flow, etc) he satisfies our need for hype just enough to not get us impatient while still maintaining a healthy level of hype. And besides, I know a LOT of fans are very patient like I am, so I think KH3 will be amazing for many KH fans.
  15. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Kaweebo in Konami to develop AAA console Metal Gear Solid without Kojima, more Silent Hill & Castlevania too   
    "---You were a “solo team” in the beginning?
    ...   Nomura:   I was a one man team for a year. (laugh) I began after FFVIII."       You can name everybody who worked on the franchise with him, you can go down the entire list of credits, but the simple fact is that Nomura made KH. He was there from the beginning and is still there, he's the one who drew up the characters, the themes. Not even Hashimoto can say that and he's been there almost as long. While we're in the middle of whatever with the direction Nomura wants to go, suddenly replacing him would be a bad, bad idea. Hashimoto writes up some story points, Sakaguchi gave some advice, and Kitase is there too, but the main guy at the top with final say is him.    
    All Final Fantasy requires is somebody or multiple people with an original idea to go from there. KH requires you to intimately understand the characters, what they've been through, what the world is like, the history, the motives, etc, etc. and not everybody is going to be interested or, if they are, not everybody has the same vision as Tetsuya Nomura does.
    And even with FF, I still think every game (with the exception of FFIX) lacks something without Sakaguchi's involvement. That's just my opinion, though.
  16. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Kaweebo in Konami to develop AAA console Metal Gear Solid without Kojima, more Silent Hill & Castlevania too   
    Honestly, you'd have a better time making Metal Gear pachinko machines.
      I tremendously disagree here. Nomura is the heart of the KH franchise. Yasue and Nishi may have love for KH, but it is Nomura's baby and has been for over a decade. There's no one who can effectively take his place and continue to spin this web of his correctly. Yasue and Nishi do a lot, but it's Nomura's vision.
    I wouldn't go so far as to compare Nomura to Kojima (After all, Kojima plants actual important themes into his games such as anti-war and nuclear deterrence 'n stuff whereas Nomura likes more to have you look at the philosophy and characters of his series in specific) but as far as being the heads of the franchises go, neither series will or would ever be the same and I don't think it would be a wholly positive change.
  17. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Fenrissychros in Stop spells   
    KH1 has both longer radius and longer duration
    And Stopza is not usable. It is what Mickey does when he enter Where Nothing Gathers in 3D to stop the Xehanorts.
    Mickey Mouse is so badass, he can inflict negative status effects on bosses, 12 bosses at the same time, and with the status effect most difficult to inflict to anyone
  18. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Robbie the Wise in Sora wielding three keyblades   
    What are you even talking about? The Keyblade Riku was supposed to receive is now Sora's Keyblade. It chose Sora over Riku because Sora had the stronger heart. It has been Sora's Keyblade ever since Riku has his own Keyblade that was form by using Soul Eater as an intermediary. Also all Keyblade wielders have the ability to use another wielder's Keyblade temporarily this has been shown many times throughout the series. Riku did not take the Keyblade back. Roxas gave it to him temporarily under Xion's influence' because he needed help fighting the Heartless(Also Xion wanted Riku to stop Roxas).
  19. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to The Kingdom Panel in Top 1 Hottest Female Kingdom Hearts Characters!   
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsl83ZFdQpgPlease take this video as a joke, that's how it's supposed to be taken don't mean to offend anyone by this
  20. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Isamu Kuno in STOP MAKING MORE KH GAMES SQUARE!   
    It's not "Make more KH games or get KH3 sooner" it's "have KH games to tide us over or not"
    Not making more games isn't going to make KH3 release faster, it's just going to make a larger amount of time with no KH until KH3.
  21. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to KeybladeLordCheeseCurd in Regarding the duration of BBS 0.2   
    Now, Nomura said that BBS 0.2 will be the length of one Disney world, and that bummed people out.
    But look on the bright side, it could be longer than an hour due to no loading screens, making the world bigger and stuff! And they could put a lot of things into this short episode to make it worth it! And once again, if you want to make it longer, just wander aimlessly and beat up Heartless.
    If there's a boss, it might be hard and require grinding!
    And at least it'll be longer than the secret episode. That happened to be 24 minutes long.
  22. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to HarLea Quinn in Do you think CoM would've been better WITHOUT the card system?   
    I actually liked the card system.
  23. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Yuya Sakaki in Do you think CoM would've been better WITHOUT the card system?   
    Nah, I don't think it would have been better. The card system is what made CoM so great and unique. In my opinion anyways.
  24. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to Shard the Gentleman in A Rant About Kingdom Hearts.   
    To be honest... yeah. I enjoyed Re:Coded. The story and the gameplay. While the story wasn't completely important to the whole series, it was enjoyable within itself. At least, that's how I found it.
  25. Like
    Epic KH Fan_13 reacted to ShadowKeyblade in A Rant About Kingdom Hearts.   
    I sometimes wonder why people play this series when all they do is complain about it. I'm fine with spending the money on these collections, cause I get them in their best looking forms (as well as extra stuff with the final mix versions). If you already have these games and don't want to spend money on them then just don't buy them. Either that or wait for the price to drop. As for spending money on consoles and stuff, yeah, we all know how much it sucks.  It's been 5 years since BBS came out. One more thing: corporations like making money. It's a fact. Please learn to deal.
    I'm not going to touch on the gameplay and story issues you seem to have. For the most part, I disagree. A lot of those things just seem like complaining just to complain.
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