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Everything posted by keyblade_master_Riku

  1. ill correct you there tobi or obito took madaras name so he said "im madara uchiha i gave nagato the rinnegan" he wasnt talking about him he was talking abouth the real madara he needed people to belive he was madara he wasnt gonna say madara gave nagato the rinnegan cuz he was making people think he was madara so he said " i" as madara refering to the real one
  2. well that would be cool but i wonder wut other worlds they wil use they basicaly have use almost every world i would like to see pride rock back but with the lion king 2 story and they will probably use toy story
  3. kishi y u mind fu#ing us DX

  4. me neither i mean is obito but if it wouldnt be obito and like some people say someone using hes body then why did tobi before this chapter show so much affection(bad affection)toward kakashi he talks to kakashi like they already knew eachotherand and to guy, well i think he is obito but with a curropted mind curropt by madara fill with the exact same hatred toward the leaf and the senju that tobi fill sasuke with this is just what i think madara must have found obito and fill him with the same hatred tobi fill sasuke with he must have train him im assuming madara was really weak and couldnt keep up with hes plans so he took obito and made him hes 2nd hand madara would die and obito would make sure nagato would master the rinnegan and yahiko make akatsuki gather the tail beasts use nagatos rebi rebirth technique of the rinnegan revive madara in hes prime form revive the 10 tails madara becomes its jinshuriki and puts the shinobi world in a genjutsu but nagato ruin the plans by using the jutsu to revive the people of the leaf and obito decided to continue madaras plans by himself and he becomes the 10 tails jinshuriki......this is what i think
  5. well hey guys wuts up well this topic is for all naruto fans in kh13 and if u read naruto manga chapter 599...this is it we finally know who tobi is im mind f**k im like...... really kishi tobi the man whos responsible for the attack in the leaf the man who destroy the uchiha the man responsible for minatos death the shadow of akatsuki the man who curropted sasuke the man trying to rule the shinobi world is kakashis teammate friend and the person who told kakashi that people who abandone there friends are worst than scum yes tobi is OBITO UCHIHA yes i cant belive i like it but i dont like it what are hes reasons why is he doing this this is not making sense at all i didnt want to belive that tobi was obito but he is what do you guys think did you like the fact that tobi is obito or do you think kishimoto is trolling beyond a level well thats all i wanted to say...
  6. yea me 2 but i was thinking it would be awesome if they add a 3rd party member like kh3d and u can switch em when ever u want
  7. hey guys so i was thinking now that we know who are possible party members 4 kh3 i decided 2 see who of them would u prefere
  8. really sick @ home......but no school 4 me \-o-/

  9. lol sora lookx like hes taking a sh3t lol sora lookx like hes taking a sh3t cool figures though lol sora lookx like hes taking a sh3t cool figures though
  10. well it wont make sense since young xehanorth is traveling time and if he does dat he will just overtrow himself to when he returns to hes time and grow just suffer the same fate
  11. my sora is level 50 since riku my fav character and in my opinion riku the protagonist of this game more than sora and yea i just abbandone sora...poor sora
  12. well what i do is that i go to a world an fight every nightmare that appear till i get to the last location not only it helps me level up but it gives me alot of LP when i do this in 2 worlds approx. so you should try it this trick help me get riku to level 78 ^-^
  13. maye alot of people wants this commands back and the awesome keyblade gliders but as we saw at the end of DDD sora travels by opening portals i guess and who knows maybe nomura will make a new awesome out of this world command system
  14. you should try it to my opinion bbs command system is better than DDD i really like bbs better i kinda miss the shotlock and the commands fusing
  15. yup maybe they will bring the link command system of bbs back to link with aqua riku mickey ect and use there commands and or keyblades in this case hope we see that in kh3
  16. yup level up i guess or ure taking the challenge to pass it in lvl 1 ?
  17. very interesting sounds cool but that would overpower sora alot and yea i think he can weild the keylades of people connected to him since he could grab rikus keyblade wen they both fought xemnas without the keyblade returning to rikus hand so yea i think you after something here
  18. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png so young xehanorth can time travel in the present time thought that was only possible in the dream world..well i can see demyx or larxene taking soras side but luxord or marluxia.. not that much personally i think luxord is one of the 13 seekers marluxia im 50 to 50....hope we can see them again
  19. 1rst of all hi im new here big kh fan and join to share with people discussions and predictions about kh http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png.....well back to topic im a little curious about the 13 seekers of darkness im curious about young MX ansem (sod) and xemnas if they all came from different periods of time doesn't that mean they dont exist in the present time since they where defeated and youngMX is from the past....so that means that nomura will add new characters? as for theory im curious about luxord marluxia demyx and larxene we didn't get to see em do you think that 1 of em prove worthy of being a vessel for MX or they will be droop out oh the saga what do you think?
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