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Everything posted by Neku

  1. Welcome to this partulcar brand of internet miscreants, don't worry you'll learn to deal with the madness
  2. Deadpool is the master of not giving a damn
  3. I've recently started to pre-order games more and more mostly because of the wonderful goodies I get with them ^_^
  4. They are so great at what they do. My favourite has to be either protectors of the earth or freefall
  5. I live in England, it doesn't snow here....it just rains....everywhere....all the time....GOD DAMN I WANT SNOW AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!
  6. Neku


    I do, I do fencing in my free time, as well as that I own two bokken (wooden training katanas for those who don't know) which me and my friend use to practice with each other. It's really fun and I would highly recommend getting yourself into some fencing if you want to try your hand at some swordplay
  7. God I hope so he was one of the best villains so far
  8. I think this scene, even though you knew it was going to happen, touched my heart so much http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEhQw56AB5I
  9. Greetings to thou newcomer, I do hope that you feel at home here on the site and enjoy the company of our family
  10. Welcome to the fold, enjoy your stay
  11. *kisses Sora's Little Helper No homo buddy
  12. I disinclined to aquiesce to your request
  13. Neku

    New here!

    Hey there welcome to our accumulation of the internet's maddest and most wonderful
  14. What if the masked man that fought Minato is really Madara and Obito was just his sharingan to move him around
  15. Salutations welcome to our wonderous community, hope you feel at home here
  16. I don't know what to do, you guys are the only people I can turn to who can give me advice without being judgemental. I really, really want to tell this girl that I like her, but everytime I try I just can't bring myself to actually do anything. It's killing me inside that I can't muster up the courage to just tell her, we get on great, we laugh together and I just like everything about her as a person but I'm too useless to actually tell her that. :wacko: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Salutations newcomer hope you enjoy our community
  18. Welcome to the community http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png
  19. Hey that's what the translator said it came out as smartphone so I'm not 100% on that one
  20. I think it says smartphone but I really hope that's not the case
  21. Yeah one of my favourite games might be making a comeback!!
  22. I love YMX's little conversations with Sora, he's just so calm about it all
  23. My favourite has to be XII just because I loved the party members you got (especially Balthier-nobody beats the leading man). I also loved how much freedom you got during the game like the monster hunting contracts they were fun
  24. I don't get people, never have, never will
  25. I don't think it is real but I think if it was it would probably follow the last mystery plotline: just what the hell King Mickey has been doing throughout the games when he's not with you.
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